Chapter 17 - Photograph

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Note: Every chapter's title is a song from Ed Sheeran. I recomend you listen to the song while reading the chapter.


Me and Ed were lying in bed on my room just talking to each other, saying sweet and funny thing and cuddling when out of nothing Harry came into the room.

“HAAAAAAA!” I screamed.

“”HARRY!” Ed screamed and threw his pillow at him.

Sara and Harry were both laughing really hard.

“Get up you two love birds. We want to know all about it.” Harry turned around and said while closing the door. “Get dressed.”

I looked at Ed and said: “We’re going to kill them.”

He threw his head back and laughed.

“Definitely.” And then he kissed me.

We got dressed and headed downstairs. Sara and Harry were literally laughing at our faces when we entered the room. Ed said that he was doing dinner. I said I would help but he wouldn’t let me so I sat on the sofa and told Harry and Sara about how I was by the pool and I thought I heard something and so on. At a certain point, Sara was crying and repeatedly saying “That’s so sweet” and “You guys are perfect” and Harry was just nodding his head to Ed and saying “That’s how we do it.”. When I finished telling them the story, Ed had just finished the food and so we put the table and started eating.

“So, what are you going to do now?” Sara asked.

I looked at her confused.

“I mean, you guys were going to live together before this mess.” She explained.

“Right, I mean, we haven’t even talked about it…” I looked at Ed unsure of what to say.

He just smiled. “There’s nothing more I want than for her to move in with me. It’s up to you, love.”

“Of course I want to.” I rested my head on his shoulder.

“Well then it’s settled. We are moving in together.” Ed said. Harry and Sara clapped and whistled while we laughed.  

That same night we booked the plane tickets to go home. Sara and Harry complained that we were leaving to soon but I told them I had stayed long enough. I missed home. So we decided we were leaving in two days. 

Next day, Harry had an interview and he took Sara with him. Ed was picking his stuff from the hotel and so I was home alone when I heard the bell. I buzzed them in thinking that it was Ed and waited by the door. When I saw, neither were Ed nor Sara and Harry.

It was Taylor. She parked the car and got out.

“Taylor, hi. Ed’s not here.”

“Hi, Bia. I know I wanted to talk to you.”

I was taken a back. I debated if I should or shouldn’t invite her in because it wasn’t my house but what was I support to do? Leave her outside?

“Oh, okay. C’mon in.”

I led her to the living room and offered her a seat.

“So, why did you want to talk to me?”

“I thought we got off to a not so great start. I don’t know what happen that night. I guess, I was low and to be perfectly honest I did flirt with Ed but nothing happed. As a matter of fact nothing ever happened between us. I know him and I can tell you that he will never cheat on you. Never.”

“Yeah… When I saw the pictures, I didn’t know what to think. I mean, I know you are best friends but sometimes best friend are secretly more than even if they don’t know it. Plus, I am me. Just some weird, not special, crazy fan that’s not really that attractive and you’re you.”

She laughed really hard all of the sudden. I almost jumped on the sofa. “That maybe be the way you see yourself but it is most certainly not the way Ed sees you and from what I know you are way better than that. I really don’t see a reason for you to have such low confidence in yourself.”

“Thanks Taylor, seriously.”

“No problem honey. I know you are Liam are best friends and that’s also part of the reason I wanted to come here and fix things. One way or another, we’ll see each other a lot.”

“True. Don’t hurt him, okay?”

“I won’t.” She got up and hugged me. I walked her to the door and she got in her car. Just before closing the door she said: “Oh, and you can be 200% sure that Ed loves you. I’ve never seen him so in love with someone. You’re the one.”

I just smiled and nodded. While she drove off, a taxi drove in. Ed was here. He kissed and only after paid the man and took his stuff inside. I told him about Taylor’s visit and how everything was alright.

“I have a feeling we are going to be good friends.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Means a lot.”

“Anything for you my love.” I kissed him. “Oh, and you know what she said? She said that she had never seen you so in love and that I am the one.”

He just smiled and said. “She’s right. You are the one.”

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