Chapter One: Dude, stop.

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Tap, tap, tap

You took a deep breath as the boy next to you kept tapping his damn pen on the table. You continued to finish answering the analysis questions. As each second passed, you grew more and more irritated by the tapping.

Truly, you hadn't had a good look at him yet. It was the second day of school and he came in late, then took a seat next to you. His somewhat long hair covered his face from you. This class was so damn boring, but your grades are very important. Not being able to focus was frustrating and you wished he'd just stop.

Enough was enough. You turned to him and clenched your fists.

"Dude, stop."

Those words caused him to stop tapping and turn to look at you. Your heart dropped as you noticed that... This guy is really fucking attractive.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Can you help me on this question please?" He smiled nervously and his eyes glistened. After staring at him for a few seconds in awe, you answered.

"Yeah, sure."

There was no way that you'd let him see that you were gawking at his face. You moved closer to him as he pointed at a question.

"This one's simple, actually!" You proceeded to help him out with his work, since he was absent the day before. 

You learned that his name was Jungkook and he was in the same grade as you. Honestly, he was really nice to you and said he needed someone to hang out with during lunch. You, being extremely kind and welcoming, said that he could be around you if he'd like.

"Yeah! That'd actually be really cool, thanks!" He answered when you offered.

Later that day, you sat behind the gym and waited for him to meet you there. He was taking a while and you started to think that he wasn't coming. So, you laid back and stared up at the clouds. You did this a lot, as there was never anything better to do. 

Today, the clouds didn't show much shape and they were all just white blobs. You were focusing so hard on identifying something, that you didn't hear the footsteps coming towards you.

"Fancy seeing you here."

You flinched at the shock of someone speaking to you. Jungkook looked down at you and giggled. You sat up.

"Dumbass, you scared me!" You playfully punched his arm as he sat next to you. He was smiling.

"I thought you weren't coming," You said. 

"I'm sorry! I was bringing snacks," He took off his backpack and placed it in front of you guys. He opened it and took out a few bags of chips. 

"Take some! Except for those," he pointed at the Doritos, "those are mine." He squinted at you as he warned you to stay away from his Doritos. You giggled and took a bag of cheeze-its.

"You're epic, thank you!" 

"No, thank you for letting me sit with you," He smiled.

"Mhm... I'm confused, how do you not have friends?" You asked and he laughed instantly.


You realized what you said sounded lowkey mean.


"It's okay!" he cut you off, "And... I do! I asked you in first period and then a bunch of girls came up to me later on. They basically begged me to sit with them but I'd rather be with you."

You were a bit lost for words.

"oH- That's uh- uh- Well, duh, I'm clearly the best option!" You spit out after stuttering.

"Yeah, they were kinda annoying. One of them asked me if I wanted to go to the bathroom with her. I honestly don't understand why she'd ask that," He laughed innocently. Your eyes widened and you laughed along as if you didn't know what that meant. 

This was just the first day. Afterwards, Jungkook kept on sitting with you everyday. He became really close to you. He was the best friend you never had.

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