Chapter Eight: Nobody Compares

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Taehyung smiled softly at your excitement for this game. He turned to the coin exchange machine and filled up a cup with them. He came back and you were radiating happiness.

His heart felt mushy as he looked at you. He wanted to kiss you right there and then, but he was afraid that would ruin your good mood. He was honestly just glad he could make you smile through this time in your life.

"Come on, this game is so fun!" You grabbed onto Taehyung's hand and pulled him towards you. Everytime Taehyung felt your hand touch his, he would feel himself going crazy for you.

"How do you play?" He asked innocently. Your smile dropped slightly as you remembered that you couldn't play as aggressively as you usually do because he's a beginner.

"Oh- So basically, you control your character through this handle. This button hits, this one is your ultimate, this one jumps-" you looked up at him and he was looking right back at you. A blush crept to your cheeks.

"Hey! Pay attention!" You scolded him as you grew flustered. He chuckled and looked towards the handles.

You finished explaining the controls to him and he said he understood. Although he didn't, he still wanted to try it just for you.

As soon as the game started, your character began attacking his. Within a few seconds, he was at low health and you were full. Usually, you don't feel mercy while playing this game. But since it's Taehyung, you allowed him to get one or two hits on you.

"You are terrible at this game," you laughed as he kept jumping instead of hitting.

"Hey! Don't call me out like that!" He laughed along with you and before you knew it, the game was over. It was fun, but you really needed that competitive rush that you got with this game.

There was only one person in this world that was as good at this game as you were...

Jeon Jungkook.

You hated thinking about him on your date with Taehyung. You were glad you had space from him but there was an empty spot in your heart. You missed your best friend.

You and Taehyung kept playing games and he was bad at all of them. It wasn't even fun anymore, beating him at everything wasn't as rewarding as it should be.

Jungkook yawned as he let Yuqi a win yet another game. She would squeak with excitement each time she won, not knowing that Jungkook let her win.

"Thought you said you come here often?" She challenged him and he chuckled.

"Yeah, I do!" He defended himself quickly, "But uh.. I guess I'm not doing the best at these games today."

She smirked and kept playing. Jungkook was beyond bored. She wasn't a challenge at all. He honestly missed being against someone at his level. He missed playing with you.

Again, he thought about how competitive you'd get and how you'd win fairly sometimes. Seeing Yuqi get excited when he let her win was fun at first, but he would never get tired of seeing your happiness.

"I'm gonna go get a soda, want one?" She asked him. He zoned back into real life.

"Yeah! Here-" he reached for his wallet and she denied it quickly before leaving. This made Jungkook sigh.

Across the arcade, his eyes landed on a beautiful girl sitting alone with her chin resting on her palm.

Jungkook's eyes trailed along her body and how nice she looked in that casual dress.

He paused.

His heart stopped too.

He's seen that dress before. The girl turned her head slightly and he felt blood rush into his cheeks.

"Y/n?!" He whispered to himself. As if on cue, you looked at him and did the same thing.


Without doing anything to communicate, you simply stared at each other.

Taehyung came back to your side and placed a plate of French fries in front of you. His eyes trailed to where you were looking.

"Is that-"


"Oh gosh, y/n. I'm so sorry, I didn't think he'd be here-" Taehyung began to apologize and you blinked a few times before turning to him.

"Don't worry about it," you smiled softly and held his hand.

Taehyung felt himself melt with happiness and sat down next to you, keeping his hand held tight to yours.

Jungkook watched the two of you without taking a second to look away. Why did he feel terrible again? He crumpled up the receipt he had in his hand.

You were happy with Taehyung. Happier than you were with him.

Or... At least that's what it looked like.

But you knew, Taehyung was never going to be the same as Jungkook. He would never fill in the spot in your heart that Jungkook held. Taehyung might be your crush, but...

He was your best friend.

You looked towards Taehyung, excused yourself and made it over to the arcade machine.

Jungkook's eyes followed you there. You turned to look at him and nudged your head so that he knew you were calling him over.

His heart set on fire in that very moment.

He walked over to you and held the joystick for his player.

"I'm not forgiving you," you stated as you pressed start.

"I know that."

"I'm just here to destroy your ass at this game."

"You wish," he responded and the game began.

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