Chapter Four: This Is Weird

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"Are you sure about this?" Jungkook whispered as he leaned towards you. You took a deep breath and thought about all the things the two of you have gone through together. You've known him for so long and had never thought you'd have to... Kiss him.

"I- I- I guess?" You answered with uncertainty. Jungkook nervously placed a hand on your cheek and leaned closer. His eyes were closing but you kept yours wide open without meaning to. As his lips began to touch yours...

You pulled away as quick as you could. 

"No... I'm sorry. This is weird," you chuckled as you looked at Jungkook.

Oh boy...

You didn't know how bad his heart ached as soon as you said those words. His heart had been beating so fast at the mere thought of kissing you. His butterflies went crazy when he felt your breath so close to his. 

But... You didn't want to kiss him.

It was "weird"

Jungkook was visibly hurt, his eyebrows raised ever so slightly. His smile turned upside down and his eyes glistening with tears. 

You were too busy chatting with Taehyung as he got your attention right afterwards. Everyone else looked at Jungkook's pained expression. They all understood the situation right there and then. But, you didn't even check to see how Jungkook felt.

You turned to him and he was looking away from you. Truthfully, even he didn't know why he was so upset by not kissing you. However, it didn't come to mind that... Maybe he liked you. Instead, he looked in your direction once he was calmed.

"I think I'm getting a fever," he whispered to you. You took his hand and pulled him aside from the circle. You quickly lifted your hand and pressed it to his forehead.

"You're burning up, kookie! I think we should go home if you don't feel so well..." You went on sadly. He noticed that you were clearly upset at the idea of going home. He didn't want that at all.

"No! I'm alright," he smiled sweetly, "You really wanted to spend time with Taehyung and I won't take that from you." His heart stung at the mention of his name. 

"Are you sure?" You asked as you placed your palm on his warm cheek. This only made his cheek warmer, so you took it away.

"Yeah... I'll just wait upstairs and I don't know... Get some water or something," he seemed out of it. 

"Alright, I'll see you later," You said and went back to the circle. Something tugged at you, you felt like something was wrong with him. Taehyung wrapped an arm around your waist and the thoughts were pushed away for a second. Jungkook would be fine, right?

Jungkook found himself in his car replaying the almost-kiss over and over in his head. He felt frustrated, why did it upset him so much that you didn't kiss him. It's not like he wanted to kiss you.

It's definitely not like he spent a lot of his years around you wondering what your lips would feel like on his. He definitely didn't contemplate what your lip gloss would taste like on a regular basis.

The more he thought about it, he realized how consistently he dreams about you. There wasn't a single dream that he remembers that you weren't in.

Okay... Except for the one where he was surrounded by large raccoons and they were coming to steal his banana milk. You weren't in that one.

He chuckled to himself. Then, the situation came back to his head. He placed his face on the steering wheel with frustration. He didn't know why this affected him so much. He heard a gentle knock on his window. His heart leaped as he thought it was you. But when he turned his head, his eyes met with those of a pretty girl's. He rolled down the window.

"Hey," he said awkwardly as he looked at her.

"H-Hi! Um... I- I totally forgot what I was gonna say," she chuckled. Jungkook smiled nervously and she collected her thoughts.

"I'm Yuqi," she smiled and Jungkook relaxed a bit as he realized she was completely harmless.

"I'm Jungkook," he responded.

"Honestly, I was just gonna ask if you could move your car a bit back so I could get mine out," she laughed and continued, "But you seem upset... Would you mind some company?" 

Jungkook felt stunned, he didn't expect someone to come up to him much less offer him company.

"I- Um.." He looked towards the party and remembered that you probably weren't coming back for another hour or so. He sighed sadly and turned to look back at Yuqi, "Yeah. I wouldn't mind." She smiled and went over to the passenger's seat. She sat down and turned to look at Jungkook.

"Why are you so sad and lonely?" she asked the boy. He thought long and hard for a second.

"I'm not sure, I guess there's a reason. But I'm not so sure. Maybe I just feel like my best friend is drifting from me."

She looked at him sympathetically. 

"I get it," she smiled softly and put a hand on his shoulder, "I hope he doesn't leave you."

"She's... not a he," Jungkook answered quietly as he thought of your long soft hair. The way your long eyelashes batted when you wanted something. The way your lips looked so pretty with lip gloss on.

"Oh. I see."

"Anyways, I do hope things get better!" she said whilst shaking his shoulder a bit, "Come on. Turn on some music. What do you like?" Jungkook smiled and turned on the radio. Some random band got on that both of them couldn't stand to listen to. They both reached for the next button at the same time. Their fingers touched and she blushed brightly. 

Jungkook smiled at her and removed his hand.

"Sorry about that," he laughed. She laughed along.

The two got along.

They got along very well.

After Jungkook left, you didn't feel very comfortable. You had Taehyung with you and it was so fun being with him. But there was a knot in your stomach. About an hour after he left, you turned to Tae.

"Hey, I think I have to get going," you said and Taehyung frowned.

"Oh, okay!" he smiled sweetly, "But um.. Hey can I ask you something?" 

"Y-Yeah! Of course," you felt your face burn.

"Would you um..." he seemed adorably nervous, "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

After your jaw dropped and you took a few seconds to answer... 

"I mean- Only if you want!" he added, "Gosh- I- I'm sorry, I just had to ask-"

"I'd love to go on a date with you, Taehyung."

He blushed furiously and you got on your tippy toes to do something unexpected. You forced yourself to do it, because this was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

You kissed his cheek and waved goodbye. You sped outside of the basement to find Jungkook and tell him the good news. However, you couldn't find him anywhere inside. You assumed he went to his car.

You walked over to where his car was parked. Your eyes landed on something that made your heart sink. 

Jungkook was laughing with a random girl in his car. Both of them too lost in their own world to notice you standing there. You examined the situation better in silence. You watched their laughter subside and she intertwined her fingers with his. 

For some damn reason, you felt your eyes fill with tears. Why? You didn't know. But you found yourself standing under heavy rain and walking home on the verge of crying in a purple dress.

Your date with Taehyung completely out of your mind.

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