Chapter Sixteen: You Love Him

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You were curled into a ball all day, Jungkook had been comforting you. But for some reason, you couldn't feel better. Taehyung could've simply just come up to you and asked if the rumor was true. But he immediately believed what some random ass girl had told him.

You were hurt that he didn't trust you. Although, he had been right not to. You didn't love him and were going to break up with him anyways. He was just as broken from this as you were. He spent his nights crying and trying to forget you. He had loved you for so long and you just broke his heart so easily.

He was in so much emotional pain. He hated you for that. He even went to the extreme to sleep with a girl the night he found out about the rumor. It seemed so true, so real. You had always been hanging out with Jungkook, hell, you even slept in the same room as him every night. He just couldn't help but feel angry and jealous. He would never be anywhere near what Jungkook was to you. This broke him completely.

The days afterwards, when he found out the rumor wasn't true, he made several attempts to apologize. But, he just couldn't shake the frustration he felt when you were with Jungkook. He continued to ignore you, even if that wasn't his intention. Taehyung was still in love with you.

Similarly, you had felt guilty every day afterwards. The rumor was completely made up. But, you couldn't help but feel like you were cheating on him. Your mind told you one thing, then your body told you another. You wanted to love Taehyung, but you couldn't physically feel that attraction.

You led him on to believe that you could and would love him. However, that's not at all what happened. Jungkook couldn't comfort you through this because you hadn't told him that you didn't love Taehyung. He had only been helping you by being physically there until you were ready to talk.

He would let you cry into his chest, he would simply just hold your hand when he noticed you were getting shaky. You hadn't talked about it to him.

One day seemed different than the others. Jungkook mentioned he hadn't been talking much to Yuqi and they weren't exactly doing the best.

Thoughts of your best friend were the only things that could take your mind off of the whole situation. Memories of the two of you would always make you feel ten times better.

"Oh that's just so stupid!" Jungkook angrily shoved popcorn in his mouth as he watched the characters on the movie make a terrible decision.

"No it isn't! They just don't like each other like that," You answered him quietly to not disturb the other people in the movie theater.

"How?! They're literally so close to each other all the time, you could just tell he loves her," Jungkook pointed at the screen with a handful of popcorn.

"They're just best friends, Kookie- Nothing more, nothing less. Plus, I think she's the one that likes him if anything. Guys are so confusing," You sighed.

Jungkook scoffed at your movie opinion.

"Whatever, but when they end up falling in love and having seven babies I can say I told you so."

"They won't fall in love! A guy and a girl can be best friends without romantic feelings being attached."

"Yeah true, like us," He answered with a chuckle. You felt your heart jump a tiny bit.

"Mhm, we'll be just friends. I don't like you whatsoever anyways," You shrugged and he threw a popcorn at you.

"I'm hot, it's just that you're just attracted to ugly dudes."

"Taehyung is hot! What the hell do you mean?!"

"Shhhhh!" An angry lady beside him shushed you two. You and Jungkook looked at each other and bursted into a fit of giggles.

Now, Jungkook was laying on your floor sleeping. It was around twelve in the morning and you couldn't sleep. Your thoughts and memories wouldn't let you.

They were pleasant thoughts; pleasant memories. All of them involved your best friend in some sort of way.

"Y/n!" Jungkook called you as you were trying on a dress for the Winter formal dance.

"Hold on, I'm almost out!" You called back as you struggled to zip the dress up. You gave up and pushed the curtains apart.

"How does it look?" You asked your best friend who was sitting on the dressing room couch.

His jaw dropped and he was speechless.

"I- I- I- Wow," He exhaled.

"Wow? That's all I get?" You put your hands on your hips and pouted.

"It looks really really good! That's definitely your color, it makes your eyes pop," He answered after a few seconds of just gawking at you.

It was a long, flowing, red dress that fitted you amazingly. Jungkook was in awe, his best friend was so beautiful.

"I don't know, Kookie. I look kind of fa-"

"No!" He cut you off before you could finish.

"You look fucking great," He said this because he truly meant it, you looked amazing. He also said this because he was tired and just wanted to go home since you had tried on so many dresses. Your insecurities were the only thing stopping you from getting any of them.

"Do you think Taehyung will like it?" You asked with a shy smile.

"He'll go crazy."

Your heart lightened up and you happily ran back to change into your regular clothes. Jungkook, although happy to go home, felt slightly defeated by the question. For some reason, he didn't really like Taehyung. He was your crush and everything, but he got a bad vibe from the guy. He felt like your crush had anger issues or something.

Jungkook was your date to your junior formal dance, as he had been for the past few years. It was the best night of your life, and Taehyung didn't even pop into your mind at all.

You thought about Jungkook way more than you'd like to admit, it was a crazy amount.


Why was he always in your head?

Was it maybe because of the way he captured your heart with every small thing he did?

Your eyes widened as the sudden realization came to you.

You love him.

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