Chapter Ten: Power Outage

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It was Saturday night. Usually on these days, you'd watch a movie with Jungkook and then play video games afterwards. It was always perfect and you never got bored of it. But, these past weeks have been so lonely without him. You missed having his strong arms wrapped around you during the cold nights. He always made you feel warm inside somehow.

You sighed and cuddled further into your blanket. Taehyung was busy at a family business dinner, rich people stuff. He hadn't texted all evening and you were just alone with your parents. Your mom was reading a book next to you and your dad was doing paperwork.

The room was quiet until your dad's phone rang. 

"Hello?" He answered the call. A few moments of silence passed and he responded, "Yes! Of course, we love having him here. It would be a delight!"

Your eyes widened as you had an idea of what was happening. 

"No!" You squealed out and your mom looked up at you with a shushing finger.

"No no no no!" You got up and ran to your dad.

"We'll expect him soon then! No problem! Have a good night, Mr. Jeon."

Your suspicions were correct, a few moments afterwards, the doorbell rang. You were in pajamas and your hair was messy as hell. You looked like a whole mess, but this didn't bother you, as he had seen you like this before.

"Jungkook!" Your mom hugged the boy in the doorway tightly and he hugged her back respectfully.

"I'm so glad you're here, son!  Y/n hasn't gotten up out of the couch for weeks! She's so bored, she misses you!" She explained enthusiastically. 

Jungkook's eyes trailed over to where you were, eye contact was held for a long longggg  time before you looked away.

Seeing you in such a comfortable and messy outfit made his mind run wild. It was almost nicer than seeing you dressed up super fancily. He subconsciously smiled at the sight of you.

"Did she?" He smirked and you literally felt yourself about to let out a scream of frustration.

"Of course she did! Right, y/n-" Your mother turned to look at you, but you had already made a run for it. 

"What's up with that girl?" Your father asked with a sigh before going over and greeting Jungkook. They invited him inside and sent him over to check up on you.

He went up the stairs and knocked gently on your door.


His voice sent shivers down your spine. 

"Please let me talk to you."

You took a deep breath and whispered, "Come in." With that said, he turned the doorknob and came into your room. He smiled upon seeing you, he couldn't control his happiness when he was around you. Especially when you looked as good as you did.

"Why are you smiling?" You asked with a hint of anger in your voice.

"Nothing. I just missed you, that's all." He answered truthfully. You scoffed and pulled your blanket over your head.

"Why are you even here? I don't wanna see you."

"There was a power outage in my house. We won't have electricity for another few weeks."

"What?! A few weeks?" You exclaimed and jumped up from your bed.

"Yeah. My parents would be gone a while and can't come to get it fixed," He said sadly. You knew how much he always missed them, they were almost never home.

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