Chapter Six: When I Close My Eyes

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He doesn't know what's gotten into him. He stood there, in the hallway staring blankly in the direction in which you had left. The bell rang and he didn't even flinch. He thought back to the night of the party.

"Shoot! I promised my parents I'd be home by now," Yuqi had exclaimed. Jungkook looked at her with wide eyes.

"Are you gonna be in a lot of trouble?" He asked. She smiled and shook her head.

"Nah, I'll just let them know I got caught up talking to a really sweet boy," She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Jungkook laughed at her statement.

"Alright, Yuqi. Have a good night!" She stopped for a bit as she got out of the car. She turned to look at him.

"Hey um... Would you like to go to get coffee with me tomorrow morning before school?" She asked sweetly as a blush crept up to her soft cheeks. Jungkook's eyes widened and he took a while before saying yes. She smiled at him and waved goodbye. It had stopped raining by now, so Jungkook stepped out of his car and back into the party. 

He looked everywhere for you. You were nowhere to be found.

His eyes landed on Taehyung talking to the boys from the game. He really didn't want to go talk to him. But, he was seriously concerned about where you went.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook greeted him. The boys all looked to him and waved coolly.

"What's up?" 

"Have you seen y/n anywhere?"

Taehyung's eyebrows raised quickly.

"No, I haven't. She left a few minutes ago, I thought she was leaving with you?"

"She. She left?!"

"Yeah, uh, she left." Taehyung chuckled nervously.

Jungkook was frustrated beyond imaginable. He waited outside for so long and you didn't even wonder where he was? You left without him after completely rejecting a kiss from him, were you mad?!

He scoffed and rushed to his car without properly saying goodbye to Taehyung. You left in the rain? Why would you do that?

He was more frustrated at the fact that you knew he was in his car and didn't even bother to check. He was angry for a lot of reasons. With that in mind, he put his phone in his pocket and drove home.

He got home and laid in his bed immediately without taking off anything. His sadness took over him and he fell asleep instantly. That's when his dream began.

You were sitting behind the gym eating your usual bag of cheeze its. He smiled and made his way over to you. He sat beside you and you put your chips away. He raised an eyebrow and you cleared your throat.


"Y/n?" he asked curiously as you looked so serious. 

"I-I wanna show you something."

"What're you up to?" Jungkook questioned as you grabbed his hand and dragged him along with you outside of school. For some reason, the sun was setting by now. Your hair was blowing in the autumn wind. Gosh, you looked gorgeous. 

"Hey, walk faster," you scolded him and he hurried up to keep up.

"I don't understand where we're going."

"You'll see."

After a few dream moments, the two of you arrived at a quiet park. However, this park had the absolute most beautiful view of the sunset. You sat down and motioned for Jungkook to sit beside you. 

"This is a really nice sight," Jungkook awed at the sunset. You hummed in agreement. But you seemed dry and emotionless.

"Is something wrong, y/n?" You shook your head no and continued to stare into the sunset. Another few moments passed and you spoke up finally.

"I-I wanna tell you something."

"What's up?" 

"I'm sorry I didn't kiss you," you whispered as you leaned closer to him, "But it's obvious I wanted to."

And with that said, your dream self pressed your lips onto his.

Jungkook sat up quickly as the dream ended and he was awaken suddenly by his alarm. He really didn't want to believe what he just dreamt. That shit was not about to happen to him. 

His phone buzzed with a text message from Yuqi.

He rubbed his eyes and thought over the dream again. His heart ached for his dream to be reality, but he took this as disgust.

"Why would I ever wanna kiss her?" he whispered to himself.

He decided that he can't even look you in the eyes for two reasons:

1. He had just made out with you in his dream.

2. You completely ditched him last night.

So, he made his way to pick up Yuqi.

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