Chapter Two: We Make One

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"Oh come on! You're so far off!" Jungkook exclaims as you fail to shoot the skittle into his mouth.

"I'm really trying here, alright?!" You yell back as you attempt to shoot another one. This one hits his eye and causes him to scream like a little girl.

The two of you laugh crazily and don't even notice the many people watching in awe. You and Jungkook were always so incredibly happy together. Although it had been years since you and Jungkook became friends, the two of you were an odd pair.

You were quite sassy and focused mostly on school. You didn't like initiating conversations but loved talking to people.

Jungkook was sweet and was sort of careless in school, yet got good grades somehow. He was kind and loved human interaction, although he was very quiet when not talked to.

He was special to you and you were special to him. Senior year was going super quickly and you hated it. Jungkook had been your friend since freshman year.

Tomorrow, the two of you were going to attend a party. A party hosted by the boy you had the biggest crush on. Gosh, he was sexy.

Kim Taehyung.

Oh how he made your heart flutter.

"Kook, can you believe that I'm going to Tae's party tomorrow?!"

"We're both going- You're not ditching me," he smiled and you admired his cute dimples.

"Of course not," you wrapped your arms around him. He made a gagging noise and pushed you off.

"Have you showered this month?" He asked and you smacked his arm.

"What do you mean?! This is literally your hoodie-" You pointed towards the hoodie you had on. It was his favorite one, but you managed to take it from him.

"I want that back sometime, by the way.." He squinted at you as he eyed his article of clothing.

"Neverrrr," you growled as you pulled the super oversized sleeves back. The bell rang and you looked him in the eyes. Both of you knew what it meant.

"Loser buys frozen yogurt for the winner," he stated and you nodded.

"1... 2... 3!" you counted down and the both of you ran full speed to first period.

"Oh come onnnn- My crocs are falling off!! This is so unfair!" I yelled as we ran.

"Should've left those in 2019!" Jungkook yelled back as he made a turn.

And as usual, he got there first. You smacked his arm and went into the class.

Towards the end of class, you got a tap on your shoulder. You put down your pencil and turn around to meet the eyes of Jung Hoseok. He smiled and handed you a purple sticky note. You whispered a quick thank you and turned back around.

You opened up the sticky note

"You look really pretty today -T" You smiled as you read the note. You turned to Taehyung and he bit his lip before going back to his work.

"Who's that from?" Jungkook peeked over.

"Nosy much?" You asked and shoved the note in your pocket.

"Just a bit... Who was it?" He asked again. The bell rang and you turned around to look at the door. Taehyung was leaving and waved goodbye at you.

When he left, you exploded.

"Taehyung said I looked really pretty today!!! Eeeeeeeeeee!!!!" You squealed in your best friend's face. His eyebrows raised and he felt the usual pinch in his heart that he felt when you talked about Taehyung.

"What?! Really?!" He was so happy for you, as he was unaware that this upset him internally. He shook off the negative feelings.

"That's amazing!" He announced as he began to get up.

"He's literally so DAMN sweet oh my gosh," Your eyes watered at the thought of Kim Taehyung.

Jungkook rolled his eyes playfully as the two of you got out of class.

The day went by and before you knew it, you were in Jungkook's car heading home. He was going to stay the night at your house since his parents weren't home.

"Good afternoon, Mr and Mrs Park!" Jungkook hugged your parents as he came into your house. They adored him, he was their sweet boy. They would never shut up about how they wished you two would just date already. Especially your mom.

"Good afternoon, Kook-ah!" they greeted him.

"I'm sure y/n already asked but, is it alright if I stay the night here?" He asked them as he flashed a sweet smile. Your parents were weak for him and quickly said yes.

"We'll be upstairs!" You said after greeting your parents. They nodded and the two of you made it to your room. You and Jungkook plopped onto your bed.

"It's onnnn," You squinted at him as you pushed a PS4 controller in his direction.

"Watch out, y/n. I'm sniping today," he cracked his knuckles as you started the game.

"Oh yeah? Well I'm playing Pharah," you winked at him.

The game began and didn't end until midnight. It was a 1v1 and both of you didn't want the game to end.

"Last round, I'm tired."

Jungkook chuckled at your comment.

"Gamers never sleep," he answered as he began the new round.

The game ended with him winning by TWO kills.

You hit him with a pillow repeatedly and then went to go brush your teeth. He had fallen asleep by the time you got back.

"What about gamers not sleeping?" You giggled and laid next to him.

Uh... Yeah? Best friends can share a queen bed. Duh.

You closed your eyes and felt his arms wrap around your waist as you drifted into a deep sleep.

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