Meeting The Band

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Rachael comes back.

RACHAEL: Hey, I'm back, did I miss anything?

JAYME: Nope! You're just in time.

FREDDIE: (sits down at the piano) Mama... Just killed a man, put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger now he's dead... Mama, life had just begun, but now I've gone and thrown it all away... Mama! Ooh! Didn't mean to make you cry, if I'm not back again this time tomorrow, carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters... Too late, my time has come, sends shivers down my spine, body's aching all the time... Goodbye everybody, I've got to go, gotta leave you all behind and face the truth... Mama! Ooh... I don't wanna die! I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all!

BRIAN: (breaks into the solo)

RACHAEL: (watches him in awe) (to herself) "As Brian began playing the legendary solo, I was instantly mesmerized by his talent as I watched his fingers glide up and down the Red Special."

JAYME: (nudges her) Look! There's Rog!

RACHAEL: (smiles) They're all pretty sexy, but Brian is the one for me.

JAYME: You only like him because of his hair!

RACHAEL: That's not true, he has a warmth to him, he seems very gentle.

JAYME: How would you know? You've never met him.

RACHAEL: Actually, I knida bumped into him on the way to the bathroom.

JAYME: You what?! No way! What did you say?

RACHAEL: I apologized, he told me where the bathroom was and we just said goodbye.

JAYME: You've been in love with this guy for 4 years and that's all you said?

RACHAEL: What was I supposed to say? Hi Brian, you're so hot, will you marry me?

JAYME: (laughs)


Rachael and Brian officially meet.

JAYME: Are you ready?

RACHAEL: A little nervous.

JAYME: Just relax and try not to scream like a frightened little girl.

RACHAEL: Shut up.

FREDDIE: Hello there darlings, what are your names?

RACHAEL: I'm Rachael, and this is Jayme.

FREDDIE: Pleasure to meet you.

RACHAEL: (looks over to see Brian May)

BRIAN: (meets her eyes) (smiles)

RACHAEL: (looks down shyly) "Brian met my nervous eyes with a gentle smile. My heart was racing."

BRIAN: (walks over to her) Hello again.

RACHAEL: (smiles) Hi.

BRIAN: Did you find the bathroom alright?

RACHAEL: (chuckles) Yeah, thanks again.

BRIAN: No problem, what's your name?

RACHAEL: Rachael.

BRIAN: Hello there... (shakes her hand) I'm Brian.

RACHAEL: Hi. I'm such a big fan, you're amazing!

BRIAN: Thank you darling. What's your favorite Queen song?

RACHAEL: Bohemian Rhapsody.

FREDDIE: Brian, we're leaving.

BRIAN: Be there in a minute Fred. (to Rachael) Look, I'm not really supposed to do this, but would you and your friend like to come have a drink with us?

RACHAEL: We'd love to!

BRIAN: Lovely... (they all walk out)


Rachael and Jayme get to know the band.

ROGER: So, Jayme, did you enjoy the show?

JAYME: Yeah... I really like your drumming style. I play the drums myself.

ROGER: Cool!... You're very pretty.

JAYME: You're very sexy!

ROGER: (smiles)

BRIAN: So, Rachael, where do you live?

RACHAEL: We live in Plymouth.

BRIAN: What's it like?

RACHAEL: It's pretty nice.

BRIAN: That's good.

RACHAEL: What about you?

BRIAN: We all live in London.

RACHAEL: I've always wanted to go there, what's it like?

BRIAN: Big and foggy.

RACHAEL: (chuckles) You're funny.

BRIAN: Thanks... Do you play any instruments?

RACHAEL: Actually, I play the autoharp.

BRIAN: What's an autoharp?

RACHAEL: Have you ever heard of the Carter Family? It's the instrument that Mother Maybelle and June Carter play.

BRIAN: That's very interesting, how long have you been playing?

RACHAEL: Since I was 17. How long have you been playing guitar?

BRIAN: Since I was 7.

RACHAEL: That's impressive!

BRIAN: (reaches into his pocket and pulls out a British coin) Here, look at this, this is an old British coin, I play with it on every song, I never use a pick.

RACHAEL: That's so cool.

BRIAN: Yeah... (notices a mood ring on her finger) That's a lovely ring.

RACHAEL: (smiles) Thanks.

BRIAN: What's your mood?

RACHAEL: (pulls out the chart) Uh... Well, it's dark purple which is... Passionate.

JAYME: Looks like someone's in love!

RACHAEL: (blushes)

DEACY: Anyway, you girls are from here, what's a good place to eat?

RACHAEL: Well, we live in Plymouth, so I don't really know what's around here.

FREDDIE: Then we'll go to Plymouth.

BRIAN: What's your favorite restaurant?

RACHAEL: Red Robin.

FREDDIE: Then that's where we're going.


BRIAN: (grabs a Coke from the mini fridge) (to Rachael) Do you want one?


BRIAN: (grabs one and gives it to her)

RACHAEL: Thanks. (sips it) You know, I've always loved your hair. (to herself) "Why did I just say that???"

BRIAN: Well, thank you. You've got nice hair too, what color would you call that?

RACHAEL: Well, I was born a brunette but my mother dyed it auburn with blonde underneath.

BRIAN: It's very pretty.

RACHAEL: (blushes) Thank you!

ROGER: (they arrive at Red Robin) Finally, I'm starving... (they all get out)


Rachael, Jayme and the band go out to eat.

RACHAEL: (they all start eating) So, how long are you guys gonna be here?

BRIAN: We've got one more night and then it's off to LA.


BRIAN: (sips his drink)

RACHAEL: You know, we're already here, what do you say we go back to my place for a bit and hang out?

FREDDIE: That sounds lovely my dear.

Love Is On The Way: A Brian May Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now