Night Out

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June 11th, 1975. Queen is on a break from touring.

FREDDIE: 3 months off the road in Miami. This is going to be exciting!

ROGER: I'll say!

DEACY: Hey Brian, isn't Rachael's birthday tomorrow?


FREDDIE: Is that right? Have you got anything planned darling?

BRIAN: Yes actually, but you guys can't say a word.

FREDDIE: Our lips are sealed darling. Now what is it?

BRIAN: (pulls a ring out of his pocket.

ROGER: Blimey! That's a big diamond.

BRIAN: You think she'll like it?

ROGER: She'll love it.

BRIAN: I hope so.

DEACY: Where are our girls anyway?

BRIAN: They're in the back.

RACHAEL: (comes in)

BRIAN: Hello darling... (kisses her) I was just thinking of you.

RACHAEL: (chuckles) (kisses him) (runs her fingers through his curls) God, I love your hair!

BRIAN: (chuckles) (kisses her passionately)

RACHAEL: How much longer til we land?

BRIAN: Half hour.

RACHAEL: (twirling one of his curls around with her finger) Will you teach me to play the guitar?

BRIAN: Sure! Have you ever tried it?

RACHAEL: A few times, but I was always too small. The guitar was way too big for me.

BRIAN: Ok, any song in particular you'd like to learn?

RACHAEL: Bohemian Rhapsody.

BRIAN: All right... (pulls out his guitar) I'll play it slow first... (plays it slowly)

RACHAEL: (watches closely)

BRIAN: And again... (plays it again)

RACHAEL: Ok, I think I got it.

BRIAN: All right, give it a go... (hands his coin and guitar to her)

RACHAEL: Fred? Would you do the honors?

FREDDIE: Of course my dear... (clears his throat) (starts singing) Mama! Ooh! I don't wanna die! I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all!

BRIAN: (points to her)

RACHAEL: (plays the solo) How was that?

BRIAN: Good. Here... (positions her fingers on the correct frets) Try it now.


FREDDIE: Mama! Ooh! I don't wanna die! I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all!

RACHAEL: (plays the solo) How was that?

FREDDIE: That was beautiful. (the plane lands and they all get off)


Freddie brings everyone out for a drink.

FREDDIE: Honestly darling, why haven't you had a drink?

RACHAEL: Not exactly my thing.

FREDDIE: (gives her a martini) Come on darling, the night is young, you're only 24 once. Take a bloody chance.

BRIAN: You don't have to drink that.

FREDDIE: Oh, don't worry about that darling, she doesn't have the guts.

RACHAEL: (sarcastically glares at Freddie) You're on Mercury! (drinks it) Mm... Wow! That's strong!

FREDDIE: What's the matter darling? Too strong for you?

RACHAEL: Fuck you! (chugs the rest of it) Who's the square one now?

FREDDIE: All right darling, I was wrong.

RACHAEL: That's right darling! Pay up!

FREDDIE: With what? We didn't make a bet.

RACHAEL: Good point... All right, say I'm a better singer than you!

FREDDIE: (sighs) Fine, you're a better singer than me.

RACHAEL: Damn right I am honey! (drinks a shot of vodka)

BRIAN: Uh, Rach? Maybe you'd ought to take it easy.

RACHAEL: (slightly drunk) What are you talking about baby? I'm just fine! (caresses his cheek) (starts making out with him)

BRIAN: (glares at Freddie)

FREDDIE: Good God! Two drinks and she's already off the wall.

BRIAN: (helps her up) She's 4"6, what did you expect? (he drags her out... Literally)

Love Is On The Way: A Brian May Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now