I Love You

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RACHAEL: (she, Jayme and Brian all get on)


Rachael and Jayme head to New York with the band.

RACHAEL: Hey guys!

FREDDIE: Hello darling.

JAYME: Hi Roger.

ROGER: Hello love... (kisses her passionately)

JAYME: I missed you.

ROGER: I missed you too.

BRIAN: (to Rachael) So, how've you been darling?

RACHAEL: I missed you a lot.

BRIAN: I missed you too love.

RACHAEL: Really?

BRIAN: Of course!

FREDDIE: He really did darling, you should've seen him after we left. He looked like a lost poodle.

RACHAEL: Awww! (to herself) "I looked up at Brian as he began to blush like a schoolboy in love."

BRIAN: Um, I... I just really missed you.

RACHAEL: Brian, you don't have to be embarrassed! You're so sweet!

BRIAN: (smiles at her lovingly) I, uh, actually got you a little something... (gives her a little black box)

RACHAEL: Brian! You didn't have to do that!

JAYME: Oh just shut up and open it!

RACHAEL: (opens it to find a ruby promise ring) Brian, it's beautiful!

BRIAN: It's a promise ring. I want you to be my girlfriend.

RACHAEL: Oh Brian! (kisses him passionately)

BRIAN: (puts it on her finger)

RACHAEL: Brian, I love it!

BRIAN: Good, I'm glad.

RACHAEL: You know what?... I have something for you too... (pulls out her autoharp) I wrote this the night before you left... (strums it) (starts singing) I've made a promise I just can't keep... I said I'd never get in too deep with you, now as love begins to grow more each day, you know I hate to say it babe, but I believe that love is on the way... Love is on the way, I've been betrayed by the weakness in my heart, cause lately I've been catching myself counting every moment we're apart... Love is on the way, I've been betrayed by the weakness in my heart... And a promise like a chain is only strong enough to break it's weakest part... I've got to tell you just how hard I've really tried, and you can blame it on my heart, or blame it on my mind... Could it be somehow, I've always known it'd be this way?... Now I'm ashamed to say it babe, but I believe that love is on the way... Love is on the way, I've been betrayed by the weakness in my heart... Cause lately I've been catching myself counting every moment we're apart... Love is on the way, I've been betrayed by the weakness in my heart, and a promise like a chain is only strong enough to break it's weakest part...

BRIAN: (smiles lovingly at her) Rachael... I love you.

RACHAEL: Brian, I love you too, I love you so much!

BRIAN: (kisses her passionately)

RACHAEL: (to herself) "When Brian told me he loved me, my heart burst with joy as he pulled me in for a long, passionate kiss. I knew then and there that this was the man I wanted to spend my life with."

BRIAN: (caresses her cheek)

RACHAEL: (smiles) (holding back tears of joy)

BRIAN: (gently wipes her tears away) You should record that. It's a beautiful song.

RACHAEL: You really think so?

BRIAN: Yes, you've got an amazing voice.

RACHAEL: Thank you.

BRIAN: You're welcome love.

RACHAEL: (smiles)


Later that day...

RACHAEL: (both walk in) (to herself) "Queen's manager booked several rooms for the band. Freddie and Mary, Roger and Jayme, and Brian and me. Unfortunately, due to Jayme and I tagging along, that meant John had to share a room with Roger and Jayme, who were all over each other since they met up again on the bus. Freddie booked us the honeymoon suite which made both of us blush at the idea of sharing a bed together."

BRIAN: Well, this is lovely.

RACHAEL: Yeah, it's nice.

BRIAN: (sits down on the bed) (motions for her to join him)

RACHAEL: (sits down next to him) What time's the show?


RACHAEL: Ok, I'll be ready.

BRIAN: Good.

RACHAEL: What do you guys do in the meantime?

BRIAN: Well, we usually do a sound check 2 hours before the show, but in the meantime we sleep.

RACHAEL: Yeah, you look really tired.

BRIAN: I know... (sighs and flops down on the bed)

RACHAEL: (smiles) (lays down next to him)

BRIAN: (puts his arm around her)

RACHAEL: (caresses his hand)

BRIAN: (smiles) (kisses her head) Rachael?


BRIAN: How would you feel about spending a few months in London with me?

RACHAEL: (smiles) I'd love to!... (kisses his cheek) When do you guys go back to London?

BRIAN: Tomorrow morning.

RACHAEL: I don't know how you do it. Constantly touring and then just fly home for a few months. It must be exhausting.

BRIAN: Trust me darling, it is... (starts playing with her hair)

RACHAEL: (smiles) (kisses his cheek)

BRIAN: You are so beautiful.

RACHAEL: (smiles up at him) (caresses his cheek) You are such a sweetheart.

BRIAN: (blushes) (falls asleep)

RACHAEL: (softly kisses his forehead) (falls asleep in his arms)

Love Is On The Way: A Brian May Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now