Valentines Day

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(A/N: Slight time skip. Enjoy!)


Valentines Day, 1975. Queen has just released A Night At The Opera and are starting their next tour. Meanwhile, Brian and Rachael are getting serious.

ROGER: Where are we going again?

BRIAN: Moscow.

ROGER: Brilliant.

BRIAN: (to Rachael) Happy Valentines Day darling.

RACHAEL: (smiles at him) Thank you sweetheart.

BRIAN: (takes off his ring and gives it to her)

RACHAEL: Brian, you already gave me your necklace! I can't take your ring!

BRIAN: Hush... (puts it on her middle finger)

RACHAEL: (smiles at him) (kisses him) (caresses his cheek) I wish you'd give me a chance to get you something before you give me something!

FREDDIE: Don't worry darling, all you have to do is give him what he wants.

RACHAEL: And what would that be?

FREDDIE: Your virginity!

RACHAEL: (turns red)

BRIAN: Fred!

RACHAEL: (to herself) "I felt myself burning with rage. I was too polite to say anything, or too embarrassed. Brian looked at me with the most apologetic look I've ever seen. It wasn't Brian's fault, I got up slowly and went to the back." (gets up and walks towards the back)

BRIAN: (glaring at Freddie)

FREDDIE: Oh come on darling, it was just a joke.

BRIAN: (shakes his head)


BRIAN: Darling, I'm really sorry about Fred.

RACHAEL: That's alright. That's just Freddie being Freddie.

BRIAN: (chuckles) Yeah, I guess.

RACHAEL: Really, don't worry about it.

BRIAN: Ok... Can I ask you something?

RACHAEL: Of course.

BRIAN: How would you feel about moving to London?

RACHAEL: I'd love to!

BRIAN: You would?

RACHAEL: Yes! I want this to work for us, I want to be with you. I've been here for 5 months, I wouldn't mind living here.

BRIAN: This is wonderful! (picks her up and hugs her tightly)

RACHAEL: I love you.

BRIAN: I love you too.

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