"First Date"

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Brian and Rachael go on their first lunch date.

RACHAEL: (both start eating) So, how do you like Plymouth so far?

BRIAN: It's very nice, it's not too big, it's quite charming actually.

RACHAEL: (smiles) Good, I'm glad. I really love it here.

BRIAN: What do you do for fun around here?

RACHAEL: I usually go to the mall and buy a bunch of records.

BRIAN: Who do you listen to?

RACHAEL: Everything really. Aerosmith, Neil Sedaka, Carole King, The Carpenters. You name it.

BRIAN: You listen to Neil Sedaka?

RACHAEL: Yeah! I love him!

BRIAN: I like his music too, Fred once covered his song Stupid Cupid at a concert.


BRIAN: You know, you're a very charming young lady.

RACHAEL: Thanks!

BRIAN: Well, I'm all set here, would you like to go to the beach?

RACHAEL: Sure!... (both get up and walk out)


Brian and Rachael become even closer.

RACHAEL: (both walking to the beach)

BRIAN: (takes her hand)

RACHAEL: (looks at him and smiles) (to herself) "I felt Brian take my hand, as he did, my heart began to flutter with nothing but love as I gazed into his gentle eyes."

BRIAN: It's beautiful here, isn't it?

RACHAEL: It sure is... Brian?

BRIAN: Yes love?

RACHAEL: I... I hope this isn't a weird question but... (to herself) "I hesitated, I wanted to ask him if he had a girlfriend, but I didn't wanna come on too strong, considering we just met."

BRIAN: What is it?

RACHAEL: Oh, nothing, it's stupid.

BRIAN: Darling, you can tell me anything. Now come on, what is it?

RACHAEL: Well... Ok... Do you have a girlfriend?


RACHAEL: Really? I just figured a sweet, caring guy like you would...

BRIAN: (slowly pulls her closer and kisses her)

RACHAEL: (to herself) "I felt him begin to pull me closer to him, then suddenly, I felt him place a gentle kiss on my lips. My heart was beating so loud I was surprised he didn't hear it."

BRIAN: How was that?

RACHAEL: That was wonderful.

BRIAN: You are so beautiful.

RACHAEL: (blushes) Brian... I like you... A lot.

BRIAN: I like you too... I really like you.

RACHAEL: (smiles) I don't know what to say... It sucks that you have to leave tomorrow.

BRIAN: I know... You know what? (takes off his necklace and gives it to her) I want you to have this.

RACHAEL: Brian, I can't take this.

BRIAN: Rachael, please take it.

RACHAEL: Well... Ok.


RACHAEL: (nods)

BRIAN: (puts it around her neck)

RACHAEL: It's beautiful. I don't have anything to give you though.

BRIAN: That's alright love, I'll settle for a kiss.

RACHAEL: (chuckles) Well, all right... (kisses him passionately)

BRIAN: (both sit down in the sand)


BRIAN: Yes love?

RACHAEL: If we were to... You know, become a couple, how would it work?

BRIAN: (looks at her) We'd make it work.

RACHAEL: (rests her head on his shoulder)

BRIAN: (strokes her hair)

Love Is On The Way: A Brian May Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now