Love Is On The Way

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Later that night...

BRIAN: This has been a wonderful day.

RACHAEL: Yeah, I had a really nice time with you.

BRIAN: Me too.

RACHAEL: Thank you again for the necklace.

BRIAN: You're very welcome.

RACHAEL: Are you gonna be spending the night?

BRIAN: I suppose I could.

RACHAEL: Um, what time are you leaving tomorrow?


RACHAEL: I'll help you pack.

BRIAN: No need darling, I packed this morning. I think I'm just gonna go to bed.

RACHAEL: Ok, well, I'll see you in the morning... Goodnight Brian.

BRIAN: Goodnight my love.

RACHAEL: (smiles) (goes upstairs)

BRIAN: (falls asleep)


Rachael realizes she truly loves Brian.

RACHAEL: (closes the door) (sighs) (picks up her autoharp) (begins writing a song) I've made a promise I just can't keep... I said I'd never get in too deep with you, now as love begins to grow more each day, you know I hate to say it babe, but I believe that love is on the way... Love is on the way, I've been betrayed by the weakness in my heart, cause lately I've been catching myself counting every moment we're apart... Love is on the way, I've been betrayed by the weakness in my heart... And a promise like a chain is only strong enough to break it's weakest part... I've got to tell you just how hard I've really tried, and you can blame it on my heart, or blame it on my mind... Could it be somehow, I've always known it'd be this way... Now I'm ashamed to say it babe, but I believe that love is on the way... Love is on the way, I've been betrayed by the weakness in my heart, cause lately I've been catching myself counting every moment we're apart... Love is on the way, I've been betrayed by the weakness in my heart, and a promise like a chain is only strong enough to break it's weakest part... (sighs) (falls asleep)


Brian and Rachael say goodbye.

RACHAEL: (hears a knock at the door) (wakes up)

BRIAN: Rachael? It's Brian, can I come in?

RACHAEL: Oh, yeah, sure.

BRIAN: (comes in)

RACHAEL: (to herself) "Brian walked in, he was wearing a white T-shirt and black pajama bottoms. His fluffy brown hair was in an adorable bedhead style. I wanted him to stay with me, but I knew he had to go."

BRIAN: Morning love, did I wake you?

RACHAEL: No, I was waiting for you.

BRIAN: Good... We're leaving soon... Just wanted to come say goodbye.

RACHAEL: (gets up and hugs him tightly)

BRIAN: (wraps his arms around her tightly)

RACHAEL: (to herself) "Brian held me tightly in a warm but strong embrace that I prayed would never end."

BRIAN: (kisses her) (writes his number down on a piece of paper) Listen, if you ever need anything, anything at all, just give me a ring. (gives it to her)

RACHAEL: Ok... I will. (to herself) "I said as I tried to hide the tears I felt beginning to slip down my cheeks." (quickly turns away)

BRIAN: (to himself) "It killed me to see the tears in her beautiful eyes. God knows I didn't want to leave her, but I didn't have a choice." (caresses her shoulders)

RACHAEL: (to herself) "At that moment I felt Brian's gentle protective hands on my shoulders. I wanted to face him, but I couldn't bring myself to meet his caring eyes."

BRIAN: Are you alright?

RACHAEL: Yes... I'm sorry, I just don't want you to leave.

BRIAN: (gently wipes a tear from her cheek) There there my love, you'll see me again.

RACHAEL: (smiles) (holds him tighter)

BRIAN: (strokes her hair) Shh... Shh... It's alright, it'll be alright, please don't cry.

RACHAEL: Ok, I'm alright now.

BRIAN: I'll write you everyday, that's a promise.

RACHAEL: Oh Brian... (kisses him passionately)

BRIAN: Listen, I've really got to go or Fred will have a fit... Goodbye Rachael.

RACHAEL: Goodbye Brian.

BRIAN: (walks out)

RACHAEL: (quietly shuts her door) (starts silently sobbing) (to herself) "After Brian left, I couldn't help but cry. I loved him with all my heart, but I couldn't tell him yet..."


Brian begins to miss Rachael.

FREDDIE: Brian, are you alright darling?

BRIAN: I'm fine Fred.

FREDDIE: You miss your little girlfriend don't you?

BRIAN: Lucky guess...

FREDDIE: Don't worry darling, I'll bring you out for a drink, you'll forget all about her.

BRIAN: Not tonight Fred.

(A/N: For those of you who would like to hear the song that Rachael writes, click the link above.)

Love Is On The Way: A Brian May Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now