The Proposal

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Later. Brian is ready to propose.

RACHAEL: (walking hand in hand) The sunset is so pretty.

BRIAN: Yeah, it is...

RACHAEL: (looks at him) (to herself) "I could see that Brian had something on his mind. Almost as if he was nervous." Are you alright?

BRIAN: Yes darling... I'd like to give you your birthday present now.

RACHAEL: (smiles)

BRIAN: I'm not very good at this... Um... (gets down on one knee and pulls the ring out of his pocket) Rachael... I love you more than anything... Would you marry me?

RACHAEL: (to herself) "I wanted to cry, my heart was overflowing with pure devotion. Then I realized I hadn't answered him, I was at a loss for words. I gathered my thoughts and answered..." (starts sobbing happily) (nods) Yes!

BRIAN: You will?


BRIAN: (picks her up and kisses her passionately) I love you Rachael Perry! (puts the ring on her finger)

RACHAEL: I love you Brian May!

BRIAN: (both lay down in the sand) (cuddles her)

RACHAEL: (rests her head on his chest) I'm so happy.

BRIAN: Me too love, we're going to be very happy together... (looks deeply into her eyes) Forever.

RACHAEL: (looks up at him) (smiles) Forever.


Brian and Rachael are now happily engaged.

BRIAN: (both laying on their stomachs) So, when do you want to have the wedding?

RACHAEL: Well, I mean, you proposed on my birthday, maybe have the wedding on your birthday?

BRIAN: Or the day we met.

RACHAEL: (chuckles) I don't know. I don't think I can wait that long! (to herself) "I smiled remembering the night we met, it would be nice to marry on our one year anniversary, but I wanted to marry him sooner..."

BRIAN: You know what? Let's marry on our anniversary.

RACHAEL: (to herself) "Well, that was fast..." Then that settles it.

BRIAN: Lovely... (strokes her hair) What kind of cake do you like?

RACHAEL: Any kind!

BRIAN: Red velvet alright?


BRIAN: Oh, almost forgot... (goes to the fridge) (pulls out a cheesecake) (lights a candle) Happy birthday my love.

RACHAEL: Brian! You're so good to me!

BRIAN: Aren't you going to blow out your candle?

RACHAEL: (thinks for a minute) (blows it out)

BRIAN: What did you wish for?

RACHAEL: (smiles) You.

BRIAN: Well, you've got me!

RACHAEL: I know! (slowly leans in for a kiss)

BRIAN: (kisses her passionately)

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