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The next day, June 12th, 1975. Rachael's 25th birthday.

RACHAEL: (wakes up) Ugh... (to herself) "My head was pounding and I had no memory of last night except for Brian teaching me to play the guitar. Everything else was a blur..."

BRIAN: Morning love.

RACHAEL: (smiles weakly) Hey... Ugh, my head is killing me.

BRIAN: That's not a surprise, you had a long night.

RACHAEL: What happened last night?

BRIAN: (chuckles with amusement) Well, you can blame Fred. He dared you to take a drink and, well... You did...

RACHAEL: I got drunk?

BRIAN: Mm-hm.

RACHAEL: I'm sorry... (looks down at her body) Hey, where's my tank-top?

BRIAN: (picks it up and gives it to her) Here, you took it off last night.

RACHAEL: Oh... (puts it on) (notices a purple bruise on his face) (looks at him with concern) Honey, did someone punch you in the face?

BRIAN: No, why?

RACHAEL: You have a huge bruise on your cheek.

BRIAN: Um... Darling, that's not a bruise.

RACHAEL: Oh my God! Are you saying I gave you a hickey?

BRIAN: Well... Yes...

RACHAEL: (blushes hard) Brian, did we...?

BRIAN: No! No, I helped you to bed and you fell asleep.

RACHAEL: Oh God, Brian, I'm so embarrassed!

BRIAN: Don't be, it was kind of cool seeing you drunk!

RACHAEL: (chuckles) Please tell me I didn't do anything stupid.

BRIAN: Well, you made Fred say you were a better singer than him.

RACHAEL: Wow, I am an idiot.

BRIAN: (strokes her hair) Darling, it's not your fault.

RACHAEL: So you still love me?

BRIAN: Of course I do... (kisses her passionately)

RACHAEL: (chuckles) I feel like crap.

BRIAN: Let me make you some tea... (brews her a cup of tea) (serves her) Here you are my love.

RACHAEL: Thank you... (sips it)

BRIAN: Feel better?


BRIAN: Good. Can I get you anything else?

RACHAEL: No, I'm alright.

BRIAN: Ok. Happy birthday by the way.

RACHAEL: Oh God, it's the 12th... Remind me to never drink again!

BRIAN: I'll make a note of that!

RACHAEL: (chuckles) How many drinks did I have anyway?

BRIAN: You want the truth?


BRIAN: Only two.

RACHAEL: Only two and I got shitfaced?

BRIAN: A bit.

RACHAEL: Damn. Honey, I'm so sorry.

BRIAN: (chuckles) Don't worry about it darling. Listen, would you maybe want to do something later? If you're not feeling up to it that's fine, but I wanted to do something really special for your birthday.

RACHAEL: I'd love to!

BRIAN: Great. Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go have a little chat with Fred.

RACHAEL: Ok, go easy on him!

BRIAN: We'll see. (walks out)

RACHAEL: (gets up and goes into the bathroom)


RACHAEL: (walks in and gets undressed) (turns the water on and gets in the shower)


Rachael is getting ready for lunch with Brian.

RACHAEL: (puts on a beautiful Marilyn Monroe-like dress) (puts on a ton of foundation, black eyeliner, pink eyeshadow and lip gloss) (curls her hair) (takes an asprin)


Rachael and Brian are having lunch.

BRIAN: Cheers! (both tap their glasses together)

RACHAEL: (smiles) (sips it)

BRIAN: Honestly darling, you could've had some champagne.

RACHAEL: Ugh! No! After last night I don't even think I could stomach another drink.

BRIAN: Well, ok. (both start eating)

RACHAEL: (to herself) "Brian looked irresistible, he was wearing his usual white button up shirt and black pants, his hair was styled into a sexy perm. God, I loved him."

BRIAN: You look lovely.

RACHAEL: Thank you sweetheart. What did you say to Freddie?

BRIAN: Well, I said he shouldn't've dared you to drink or pressured you, and I told him don't let it happen again.

RACHAEL: (chuckles) Honey, I really am sorry.

BRIAN: (caresses her cheek) Don't worry about it my love.

RACHAEL: (caresses his cheek) Hey, are you wearing makeup?

BRIAN: A bit.

RACHAEL: (laughs) Why?

BRIAN: Well I certainly can't go around with a bloody love bite on my face now, can I?

RACHAEL: No, I guess not.

BRIAN: (laughs)

Love Is On The Way: A Brian May Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now