Fun At Fred's

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Later that night. Everyone unwinds in Freddie's hot tub.

RACHAEL: (rests her head on Brian's shoulder)

BRIAN: (kisses her head) (strokes her hair)

RACHAEL: (to herself) "My head was swimming, but not in a bad way. I gazed deeply into Brian's eyes as he held me tightly in his protective arms. Then I realized we were all alone..." Hey, where did everybody...?

BRIAN: (kisses her passionately)

RACHAEL: (to herself) "Brian's lips crashed onto mine for a long passionate kiss as I caressed his cheek."

BRIAN: (rubs her back gently)

RACHAEL: (sighs) Oh Brian... (to herself) "Here we go again..."

BRIAN: (kisses her neck) (runs his hands all over her body)

RACHAEL: (runs her fingers through his curls) (kisses him)

BRIAN: Rachael... (caresses her thighs) 

RACHAEL: I love you... (both begin thrusting)

BRIAN: I love you more darling.

RACHAEL: (sighs) (caresses his cheek)


The next day...

RACHAEL: (wakes up) (to herself) "My head was pounding, I got drunk again, but I didn't care. I looked over to see Brian sleeping next to my head, we had fallen asleep in the hot tub." (gently wakes him up) Hey.

BRIAN: (wakes up) Oh, morning love.

RACHAEL: Morning, what happened last night?

FREDDIE: I'll answer that, you two got drunk and pretty much fucked all night!

RACHAEL: (both blush hard) (to herself) "We both blushed hard at how brutally honest Fred's comment was, even though we both knew he wasn't wrong."


Rachael and Brian freshen up.

RACHAEL: (goes to the mirror) (to herself) "I looked at myself in the mirror, my hair was a mess, my makeup was smeared and I had hickey's all over my neck from where Brian had kissed me." (puts on a Queen T-shirt and jeans)

BRIAN: (walks over to her) (wraps his arms around her waist) (kisses her cheek) That was a lovely night.

RACHAEL: Yeah, it was. I just wish I could remember it...

BRIAN: (chuckles) Don't worry about that my love, we can always do it again.

RACHAEL: That's true, but next time let's leave the champagne out of it!

BRIAN: I think that's a good idea.

RACHAEL: Hey, you got any asprin? My head is killing me.

BRIAN: Of course darling. (gives her an asprin)

RACHAEL: Thank you sweetheart. (takes it and takes a sip of water)

BRIAN: Are you alright?

RACHAEL: Yeah. I don't get it, I rarely ever drink but when I do I always get a wicked hangover, and even then I don't have that many drinks.

BRIAN: Well, you've got to remember darling, you're very petite, it doesn't take very long for alcohol to go through your body.

RACHAEL: That's true... (flops down on the bed) Mm... Can we just lay here for a bit?

BRIAN: Sure darling. (lays down next to her) Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?

RACHAEL: Just hold me.

BRIAN: I can do that. (wraps his arms around her)

RACHAEL: (to herself) "As Brian wrapped his warm protective arms around me, my headache began to fade away. It was as if there was a kind of magic in his touch. All he had to do was put his hands on me and any negative feeling I had would just melt away..." (falls asleep in his arms)

Love Is On The Way: A Brian May Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now