Meet The Parents

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Rachael is about to meet Brian's parents.

BRIAN: Don't be nervous ok? They're gonna love you.


BRIAN: Are you ready?

RACHAEL: (nods)

BRIAN: (knocks on the door)

MRS. MAY: (opens the door) Brian darling! (hugs him tightly)

BRIAN: Hi Mum.

MRS. MAY: How are you lovey?

BRIAN: Great, this is Rachael.

MRS. MAY: Oh! Rachael! (hugs her tightly) So you're the girl Brian's been telling me about!

RACHAEL: (smiles shyly) It's very nice to meet you Mrs. May!

MRS. MAY: Darling, call me Ruth!

RACHAEL: All right.

BRIAN: Um, could we come in Mum?

MRS. MAY: Oh! Of course! Come in!


Rachael meets his parents.

MRS. MAY: Harold dear, put down your paper, we have company.

MR. MAY: (puts down his paper) Ah, Brian my boy, how are you?... (hugs him tightly)

BRIAN: I'm great Dad.

MR. MAY: Wonderful, and who's this lovely young lady?

BRIAN: This is my girlfriend Rachael.

MR. MAY: Hello my dear... (kisses her hand)

RACHAEL: (blushes) It's nice to meet you Mr. May.

MR. MAY: Call me Harold!

RACHAEL: All right.

MR. MAY: Well, shall we?

BRIAN: Yes... (they all sit down)

RACHAEL: (to herself) "Brian's parents seemed wonderful, but I knew they'd want to know about me, and even though they didn't seem strict, I was still nervous. I looked over at Brian and I could see in his eyes that he knew it."

BRIAN: (puts his arm around her)

RACHAEL: (to herself) "Suddenly, I felt a warm reassuring hand on my shoulder as my nervousness began to subside."

MRS. MAY: Rachael dear? Would you like some tea?

RACHAEL: Uh, yes, thank you.

MRS. MAY: (pours a cup of tea and hands it to her)

MR. MAY: So, Rachael, Brian tells us you're from Massachusetts.

RACHAEL: Yes, Plymouth.

MRS. MAY: Well, if that's the case dear, how exactly did you two meet?

RACHAEL: We met at a Queen concert actually. My friend Jayme won a radio contest so we got to go backstage and meet the band.

BRIAN: That's only half of the story! She was looking for the bathroom and I bumped into her!

RACHAEL: (blushes hard)

MR. MAY: (chuckles)

RACHAEL: ANYWAY! We met after the show and he invited us out for a drink with the band, then we went back to my house and watched a movie.

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