Meet The Parents (Part Two)

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One week later. Brian and Rachael are heading back to Plymouth to meet her parents.

BRIAN: Darling, I can't wait to meet your parents.

RACHAEL: (smiles) They're gonna love you.

BRIAN: I sure hope so.

RACHAEL: If Dad gives you a hard time, just bribe him with Queen tickets.

BRIAN: (laughs) Will your brother be there too?

RACHAEL: Yeah. Don't worry, everything will be just fine.

BRIAN: Good... (puts his arm around her)

RACHAEL: (the plane starts shaking) (grips his hand tightly) (to herself) "God, I hated flying. Always have. I squeezed Brian's hand tightly until the turbulence stopped."

BRIAN: (looks at her with concern) Are you alright?

RACHAEL: Yeah, I just hate flying.

BRIAN: I do too. I get so tense whenever we get turbulence.

RACHAEL: Hard to imagine you ever being tense.

BRIAN: (chuckles)

RACHAEL: (snuggles up to him)


Brian is about to meet Rachael's parents.

RACHAEL: (knocks on the door)

HOPE: (opens the door) Hi baby! (hugs her tightly)

RACHAEL: Hi Mom! This is Brian.

HOPE: (looks at him with surprise) Hi! It's so nice to meet you, please come in!

RACHAEL: (both go in)


Brian meets Rachael's parents.

MIKE: Hey baby! (hugs her tightly) (notices Brian) Holy shit! What are you doing with Brian May?!

RACHAEL: Mom, Dad, Brian's my boyfriend.

MIKE: You're shitting me!

RACHAEL: No, I'm serious.

BRIAN: Pleasure to meet you Mr. Perry.

MIKE: Hey man, call me Mike.

BRIAN: All right. (shakes Hope's hand) Pleasure to meet you as well.

HOPE: Hi! I'm Hope! We're huge fans.

BRIAN: (blushes) Well, thank you.

RACHAEL: Is Jay here?

HOPE: Not yet, he and Casey will be down later.


MIKE: So, how the heck did you two meet?

RACHAEL: Jayme got us tickets to Queen and I had to use the bathroom so I went to go look for it and I bumped into Brian.

BRIAN: Literally.

RACHAEL: (chuckles) (squeezes his hand gently)

BRIAN: Anyway, we met formally after the show and I invited her and Jayme to come have a drink with us, then later she invited us back to watch a movie. Everybody else ended up ditching us so we just spent the night together. The next day we went out to lunch and then to the beach, ever since then we've been a couple.

MIKE: Well, you seem like a great guy. You know, she's never had a real boyfriend.

RACHAEL: (blushes with embarrassment)

BRIAN: Well, I don't see why, she's a wonderful person.

MIKE: Well, she's always been shy, she used to stutter.

BRIAN: (looks at her with surprise) You used to stutter?

RACHAEL: (slightly embarrassed) Yeah...

HOPE: But yeah, she's so sweet, you're very lucky to have her.

BRIAN: (smiles lovingly at her) I know I am.

RACHAEL: (smiles widely) (to herself) "My heart melted when he said that. I knew he would love me no matter what... Even though I was a little mad that Dad told him I used to stutter."

MIKE: So, I hate to sound old fashioned but what are your intentions?

BRIAN: Well, I love her very, very much, and I promise I would never do anything to hurt her.

MIKE: You really want our approval? Man, sign this and we're all good... (gives him a Queen album)

BRIAN: My pleasure! (signs it) To Mike and Hope, love Brian.

MIKE: All right... (shakes his hand) You have my approval. Just know one thing, if you ever hurt her, I will hunt you down and shave off that perm!

RACHAEL: Dad! (playfully slaps him)

BRIAN: Understood! I would deserve to lose my hair if I ever did anything to lose her.

RACHAEL: (smiles)

HOPE: Welcome to the family Brian! (they both hug him tightly)

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