Hanging Out

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Rachael invites everyone back to her place to hang out.

RACHAEL: Well, this is it, just make yourselves at home.

FREDDIE: Thank you darling... (all four sit down)

RACHAEL: Would anybody like anything to drink?

FREDDIE: Got any beer?

BRIAN: Fred, you just had three beers.


RACHAEL: Well, all I have is water, Coke and juice.

FREDDIE: I'll settle for Coke.

RACHAEL: Ok. (goes into the kitchen) (comes back out and serves them)

FREDDIE: Thank you darling... (sips it)

BRIAN: So Rachael, I'd like to see this autoharp of yours.

RACHAEL: Ok, it's upstairs. (both go upstairs)

ROGER: Jayme, have you got a boyfriend?


ROGER: Listen, how'd you like to go grab a drink with me?


ROGER: Why not?

JAYME: Ummm, yeah, ok, sure!

ROGER: Great... (helps her up)

FREDDIE: I'm coming too.

ROGER: All right Fred, Deacy? What about you?

DEACY: If I don't go I'll be a third wheel so I might as well... (they all get up and leave)


Brian and Rachael get some alone time.

RACHAEL: (picks up the autoharp) This is it.

BRIAN: It's a beauty. Can you play any songs on it?

RACHAEL: Yes... (strums it) (starts playing The Wildwood Flower) (starts singing) Oh I'll twine with my mingles and raven black hair with the roses so red and the lilies so fair, and the myrtles so bright with the emerald dew, the pale and the leader and eyes look like blue. I will dance, I will sing and my laugh shall be gay, I will charm every heart in each crown I will sway. When I woke from my dreaming my idols were clay, all portion of love had all flown away... Oh he taught me to love him and promised to love and to cherish me over all others above, how my heart is now wondering no misery can tell, he's left me no warning, no words of farewell... Oh he taught me to love him and call me his flower that was blooming to cheer him through life's dreary hour, how I long to see him and regret the dark hour, he's gone and neglected this pale wildwood flower.

BRIAN: That was beautiful. You've got a lovely voice.

RACHAEL: (smiles) Thank you. Would you like to watch a movie now?

BRIAN: Sure. (goes over to the shelf) What about Young Frankenstein?

RACHAEL: Ok! That's one of my favorites.

BRIAN: Great. (both go to leave when he sees a poster of himself on her wall) What's that?

RACHAEL: (notices it) (blushes) Oh, Jayme got me that for my birthday.

BRIAN: Would you like me to sign it?

RACHAEL: Really?

BRIAN: Of course!

RACHAEL: Well, ok!

BRIAN: (goes over and signs it) To Rachael, love Brian.

RACHAEL: Thank you so much!

BRIAN: You're very welcome love. (both go downstairs)

(A/N: If any of you are curious about the song Rachael sang, this is it:)

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