The Wedding

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2 months later, August 4th, 1975.

Brian and Rachael officially marry.

PRIEST: Do you, Brian Harold May take Rachael Caroline Perry as your lawfully wedded wife?

BRIAN: (smiles lovingly at her) I do.

RACHAEL: (smiles)

PRIEST: And do you, Rachael Caroline Perry take Brian Harold May as your lawfully wedded husband?

RACHAEL: (smiles) I do.

BRIAN: (smiles at her)

PRIEST: Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.

BRIAN: (pulls her close and kisses her passionately)


Later that night...

BRIAN: (carrying her while humming "Here Comes The Bride") (carefully puts her down on the bed)

RACHAEL: (runs her fingers through his curls)

BRIAN: (kisses her passionately) (slowly gets on top of her) Is this okay with you?

RACHAEL: Yeah, it's just that... I've never done this before.

BRIAN: Neither have I.

RACHAEL: (looks at him with surprise) (to herself) "I was stunned to learn that Brian was still a virgin. I knew he was a gentleman, but I would've thought he had made love before." Really?

BRIAN: (nods) Yeah, pretty lame, huh?

RACHAEL: No, not at all.

BRIAN: All right... Well, we can give it a try. If you begin to feel uncomfortable, just let me know... (begins making out with her)

RACHAEL: (to herself) "I felt Brian's gentle lips brush against mine as we began to kiss."

BRIAN: (caresses her thighs sensually)

RACHAEL: (sighs) (to herself) "Then I felt him begin to slowly caress my thighs as I ran my fingers through his warm curls." Oh Brian...

BRIAN: Do you want me to stop?

RACHAEL: No, no, keep going.

BRIAN: (begins thrusting) (runs his hands slowly up her body) (gently massages her breasts)

RACHAEL: (strokes his hair) (both breathing heavily)

BRIAN: (wraps his arms around her) Are you alright?

RACHAEL: Yeah... How'd I do?

BRIAN: You were lovely... How was I?

RACHAEL: You were amazing! (caresses his cheek)

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