Worlds Apart

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"Stop shouting." The mumble was barely audible.

"Good you're awake." Alex moved her head from under the pillow blocking out the light of the mid-morning sun to glare at the intruding woman. "Have you seen my glasses?" Alex didn't think it possible for Kara to so stressed out, especially this early in the morning. Even saving people all night didn't make her this stressed and subsequently annoying.

Sighing, she stood from the bed to walk towards her sister. Kara wasn't paying attention, so it wasn't easy to grab the blonde's attention without gripping her shoulders, hard. She didn't even react to the death grip on her shoulders Alex had seen bring grown men to their knees, if anything Kara looked like she was about to pick Alex up so she could continue her search.

"Calm down."

"I'm calm. Why wouldn't I be calm. I just can't find my glasses and you know I need my glasses." Kara opened her mouth to continue her ramble but stopped at the unamused look.

"Kara. Stop rambling. You already have your glasses on so stop. Breathe." As if to demonstrate Alex took a deep breath before releasing it slowly. "See easy. Now leave my apartment. Last I checked, yours was across town." Alex wasn't sure what had Kara in such a state, but it wouldn't take a genius to figure it out.

Kara took another deep breath as Alex left her stood in the bedroom doorway to flop back into bed. Alex was right, she just had to calm down and stop overthinking, stop thinking that today would go badly.


Her muscles ached with the lack of movement; Clarke was almost ready to give up on today's hunting trip, was slowly moving her dagger back into the sheath attached to her lower back when she saw it.

A slight rustle of leaves. Stopping her movements entirely, she waited for the movement again. No movement followed. Several minutes without a single bird chirping Clarke grew bored knowing whatever had been scurrying past had left the small squirrel at the base of the tree alone. She hadn't thought it would attract any attention, not during the milder winter months. Even without as much snow as some Indra had told them they would receive the animals still disappeared into hibernation.

"Great timing on your self-imposed isolation Clarke. Couldn't have waiting for the animals to come back?" Her mumbling was nothing more than a breath of air, at least to her. Another movement closer to the tree she was currently squatting in almost escaped her attention, if not for the yellow eyes she could just make out trying to find the source of noise. All annoyance cast aside; Clarke reached for her dagger once more.

The animal couldn't see her, how she had spotted it she wasn't sure, perhaps luck was being kind for once. A panther. How her luck had changed, she would be able to trade for at least another two weeks of supplies from its pelt alone, not to mention the share of the meat she would receive.

Waiting for the panther to take another few steps seemed like hours, her muscles once straining under the tension. Three. Two. One.

Dropping from the tree Clarke didn't hesitate in plunging the dagger into the animal's shoulder. The animal not fatally wounded threw her off quickly, the dagger landing several feet behind Clarke. Being stalked by an animal is not as slow as the old shows from the Ark had made it look, the panther had barely taken a second to set itself before it seemed to be pouncing.

Scrambling, Clarke felt for the dagger, not wanting to take her eyes from the predator in front of her. Her hand brushed the edges of the dagger, frantically finding her grip. The dagger was inches from her face when the panther jumped.

The weight of the animal was more than she had been expecting. Blood steadily poured from the wound in the panther's neck, coating her already red hair an even darker shade. Using every muscle, she had gained in her time alone Clarke pushed the animal to the side. It was already dying, another wound would not make a difference, by pure luck, as Clarke looked at the wound in its neck, she had managed to hit the carotid artery.

"Yu gonplei ste oden."

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