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The Next Day...

As much as I hate to say it, I missed Corrine. As I sat here laying in this bed with that girl from the golf course, I just missed Corrine.

"That was amazing."

I smiled slightly, "I agree."

I stood up and stretched a bit before standing at the window of my bedroom, looking at the sun. She spent the night here. Not my usual but, let's go with it. We did have sex all night.

"Everything okay?" she asked, her body covered from her breast down to her feet with the blanket. She propped herself up with her right hand, her left arm resting outside of the cover as well.

"Yeah." I sighed, turning to her, forcing a smile on my face as natural as I could.

"You're lying, but I won't press the issue."

I laughed a bit, "Thank you."

"But I will say, whoever she may be, she's got you in a flux." she rose an eyebrow at me.

"She?" I asked curiously, I was intrigued in how she came to this conclusion.

"Yes, she." she confirmed.

"How did you come to that conclusion?"

"Well, let's see. You seem to be a Casanova. You swooned my out of my thong pretty quickly, and you have a way with words. But, there was always a look in your eye while we were fucking. Yeah, it was great but you looked like you had to think. There was someone else on your mind because I know it wasn't me. She has you in a flux. Go get her."

"Well, you're smart."

"I hope so. I didn't have my father pay for those years of college for nothing."

"A college woman eh? Where'd you go?"


"An ivy league woman!" I corrected myself.

"Yep, majored in psychology and now I'm a licensed therapist and you my friend, have love on the brain."

"Well Ms. Therapist, are you giving out free sessions?"

"Hmm...I'll consider taking sex for your payment."

"You're not offended that there's another woman?"

"I never said I wanted you for anything else did I?"

"Well technically you never said you wanted me." I shrugged.

"The thing between your legs is what I want. I could go without the pleasantries of a relationship."

"I think you and I will make great friends."

"Friends...? Hmm, let's go with that." she laughed.

"You disagree?" I asked her.

"I mean yeah friends but I see us as people who have sex and we'll listen to each others problems."

"Should I have added...with benefits?"

"Sure,"she laughed, "Let's go with that. I have one question though."

"Yes?" I looked at her.

"What's my name?" she smirked.

"Well, glad you don't have a gun to my head." I laughed and she joined in, "What's your name?"

"Allison and you?"

"Oh you don't remember my name?"

"Didn't know I'd be having this much conversation with you so it was an irrelevant piece to me."

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