About Time

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Ivan's P.O.V

I took a deep breath, the girl's hair smelt of cinnamon and honey. She tensed at the feeling of the hot air on her neck, the bite Adrian had most likely took, exposed.

"I was going to kill you, you know?" I grinned at her in the reflection of the elevator. "But now I see that you are much more valuable alive. Tell me, how did you get your eyes to do that?"

No answer.

"Ailannni..." I gripped the back of her neck and pressed down, coercing an answer out of her stubborn mouth. "Did you even know what you were doing?"

There was a very gentle shake of her head, which made me smile.

"Interesting..." I paused as the elevator opened up to the ground floor. "Any other supernatural abilities you have that I should be aware of?" 

"Adrian's blood runs through my veins," she said confidently. 

I turned to look at her and chuckled, "should I be scared?" 

"He is the most strongest Alpha ali-."

"Adrian wears the title of his ancestors," I scoffed. "He couldn't match the Alpha's that have come before him - even if he died trying. If he were as strong as legend says, his pack would still exist, and I..." My claws dug into the small of her back, threatening her, teasing her. "Wouldn't have you by my side." 

"You have no pack either, you killed them all, fucking idiot." 

"Your bravery is compelling. But you mistake me for a fool, no Alpha brings all their soldiers to war. My pack remains intact, with more numbers than you can imagine. You worry about the wrong Alpha, Ailani." 

She shook her head, her dark hair swaying with the motions. "You'll never get away with this. They'll come after me, sooner or later you will have to surrender." 

"I don't mind if they come, as long as they're willing to watch you die. I play no games, I get what I want, when I want. Make no mistake, you humans will be underneath our rule, and you will pay for the damage you caused for the wolves that came before us." 

"I believe the only person that will have to pay... Is you Ivan."

I stopped in my tracks at the sound of the voice that could only belong to one person. Santiago, one of the youngest members of... 

I gulped. 

The Local Council. 

"What do you make of this?" Santiago gestured to Adrian's territory, which was essentially in tatters. 

Not even the fakest smile could have saved me from his glare. "You're here, thank God. I made my servant call you, but didn't think you'd be able to come. Welcome." 

Santiago's face didn't move. "This territory does not belong to you, and so your welcome makes no sense. Where is Alpha Adrian?" 

In my head I had answered him already, but before I could even speak; that fucking girl replied to him instead. 

"He's in the Pack House, on the 2nd floor. Or at least that's where he was last, señor." I looked at her, a subtle scowl directed her way. Her grin had 'fuck you' all over it. 

"Thank you," Santiago gestured to the other members of the Local Council behind him, and at once they took off inside the house, looking for the one I was supposed to have killed. Their clean, freshly-pressed, dark suits radiated power and authority. My wolf couldn't help but cower with fear and submission. The Local Council members were not Alpha's, but every werewolf knew that their authority was higher than that of any pack leader. 

"And who might you be?" Santiago smiled gently at Ailani, who stood beside me, a small smile on her face. Almost as if she knew that this would all play out in her favour. 

Before she could introduce herself, I grabbed her by the arm savagely, my face in a frown of anger. 

"This is one of the humans my servant warned you about," I hissed, feeling victory as his face dropped to one of disgust. "Her and two friends decided to sneak onto pack territory, disguising themselves as rogues. My intuition tells me that they are affiliates with The Hunters." 

Santiago's face matched mine, and for once I felt like I finally had everyone I needed on my side. 

"You must thing you're clever," he took a step closer to Ailani, and we both knew it wasn't a kind gesture. 

"Are you not even gonna ask me if it's true?" She commented. 

I interfered with their conversation. "Santiago, most revered señor, you cannot expect any human to tell you the tru-." 

 "Is he telling the truth?" He asked her. 

"No. He's lying." 

"Really? So you didn't pretend to be wolves looking for a pack, so that you could train with the others? That's all just a lie then?" I responded.  

Ailani stammered, exchanging glances with me and the powerful man in front of her. "Well no, it's not a lie, bu-."

"You have some nerve. You humans are nothing but deceptive snakes, all you know is to destroy."  I watched in anticipated excitement as Santiago drew dagger from the inside of his blazer, his eyes glowing a dangerous shade of yellow. 

I'm sure Santiago's slow movements were meant to frighten Ailani so that she surrendered. But all it did was give her time to think and explain herself. 

"The only reason we pretended to be wolves was because Catalina and Solomon told us to." Her words were quick and more than clear enough to make Santiago pause. 

"And why would they ask you to do that?" His eyes were now back to normal, a tinge of curiosity now on his face. 

"Because I'm Alpha Adrian's mate." 

Santiago was frozen in pure shock. Then with the blink of an eye, he slashed the inside of Ailani's arm, and I grinned as she screamed out in pain. 

"Silence." Santiago growled and grabbed her arm, holding it in place and watching the crimson blood ooze out of the wound he created. Then unexpectedly he dragged one of his fingers down the line, picking up blood and smearing the rest as he did so. Ailani nearly puked as she saw him suck the blood off his finger. 

It only took a moment before Santiago's eyes opened once again in revelation. Briskly he tilted Ailani's head to one side, and revelled at the mark on her neck that could only be identified as the mark of a wolf. 

"Is this his?" He breathed. 

"Yes." Ailani kept her eyes on the wound and the puddle of blood on the floor. 

"She's lying." I spat. 

Santiago held his finger up to silence me, shaking his head. "She is not lying. Her blood no longer tastes entirely human, there is power running through her veins, and she reeks of an Alpha." 

"What the fuck have you done to her!" Adrian's voice boomed from behind us. Santiago kept an unusually cool manner, backing away only slightly from the girl in front of him. 

"Heal her," he commanded. 

Adrian glowered at him, but without second thought crouched down over Ailani,  who had fallen to the floor, and gently lifted her arm to his mouth. Like a kitten licking its paws, Adrian lapped up the blood from her wound, covering his face so that the pleasure from it  could not be seen  by anyone else. 

"Unbelievable." Santiago murmured, still watching attentively. 

I took the moment for an opportunity to make a getaway, realising that if I stayed to watch the scene in front of me, I would soon be taken by the Local Council for crimes that I wasn't able to count. So I slowly began to back up...

"Alpha Ivan." Santiago said, his eyes still watching Adrian. 

I coughed slightly. "Yes señor." 

"Where are you going?" 

"Nowhere señor." 

Santiago turned his attention towards me. "Correct," he replied. "You're coming with me." 

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