Night of Success - Part Two

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Warning! Read at your own risk people.
18+ sex scene below.
And don't do anything stupid 😂

Ailani's P.O.V

When we entered his room, I was hoping that he didn't turn the lights on. But he did.

I guess he sensed my dislike: "Ailani, que te pasa? Would you rather me turn them off?"

I shrugged, embarrassed about what we were both going to do. "I just... I'm not very comfortable with you seeing me."

Adrian smiled gently, sat on the edge of the bed and pulled me onto his lap. "Mi amor, even if the lights were off I would still see you, I turned them on for your benefit, not mine."

At first I didn't get what he was saying, and then it dawned on me - Adrian was a werewolf so his sight was probably like, fucking amazing.

I sighed. "Can you turn them off please?" Apart of me felt a bit more safe if I couldn't see anything. Makes no sense but it made perfect sense to me.

Before getting up, Adrian placed his hand on my left shoulder, gently hooking his finger against the strap of my top.

"I'll turn them off if you take this off for me." His voice was dark and full of lust. I shivered as he continued to pull the strap on one side down, slowly and teasingly tracing my skin with one of his fingers.
"Por favor," he whispered.

I shuddered and took the strap from his hand, quickly tugging it down and simultaneously tugging the other side down as well. I heard the low growl erupt from Adrian's mouth as I stood up, my back facing him, and dropped the top to the ground.

I was naked from the waist up. And I could feel Adrian's eyes staring into me, waiting. Channelling in to the sound of his heavy breathy, I pulled my trousers down and stepped out of them. The growl that came out of his mouth made me sigh with pleasure, he obviously liked the fact that I was wearing a black lace thong; my bum plump and round.

Suddenly I felt the bed move, and realised that Adrian had stood up and walked towards the door. Apart of my heart dropped in disappointment, but the thudding of it came back once he turned the lights off and walked back over to me.

His eyes glowed a fluorescent blue in the dark, and then he blinked and they went back to normal. He approached me slowly, eyeing me up and down until he was standing in front of me.

Before he could place his hands on my body, I stepped back until I felt the bed against my thighs. I went back further, laying down submissively, waiting for him.

I watched him intently as he removed his top swiftly from his body. And then listened as I heard the buckles of his belt, the sound of it dropping to the floor, along with his trousers and his -.

"Oh my God." I breathed.

He had taken his boxers off, and was standing in front of the bed with a boner bigger than... I don't even know, shit. He stroked himself slowly, three times and then climbed on the bed, until he was hovering above me.

I thought he was going to claim my lips in a passionate kiss, but I stayed still as he moved his head down towards my thighs. Placing both hands on either side of my hips, he nudged his nose over my underwear, and without being asked I spread my legs for him. He growled in content.

A sigh left my mouth as I felt the tip of his tongue lick the wet spot that had appeared on my crotch. Then the embarrassment hit me and I attempted to shut my legs closed, but he caught me in a grip, roughly pulled my pants down, and then began licking the same spot over and over again.

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