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Jack's P.O.V 

Catalina's body tensed as soon as she heard Adrian's name. Her jaw clenched and she looked as if she wanted to run out of the room in panic. "What are we gonna tell him?" She asked.

Solomon didn't looked phased at all. "Marcus," he said quickly.   "Go and collect the girls, then take them straight to their room." Marcus stood to attention and made his way to the door, but before he left Solomon added more. "And if the parents ask about their whereabouts, tell them not to speak of what they saw. And take the stairs, we don't want you bumping into Adrian." 

In a split second, Marcus was gone. 

"And what are we going to tell him?" Catalina spoke up again, the agitation dripping from her voice. 

"We tell him that the two girls have already been dealt with accordingly," Solomon then gestured to me, "but the boy was resistant and so we've kept him for questioning." 

When I heard that my face screwed up in disagreement, but before I could voice my opinion on Solomon's plan, Adrian walked in the room with two brawny men behind him. 

To say he was good looking would definitely be an understatement. He must have stood at 6'3 and the pressed blue suit he was wearing wasn't enough to hide his muscular arms. Standing next to his brother, it was easy to see who was the one in charge; Solomon looked like a bad villain next to his brother, what with all the leather and the dark clothing he was wearing. Adrian's hair was long and dark, neatly tied back into a messy hair bun, if that was even possible. His eyes, unlike Solomon's, were a deep dark brown, and his face was nicely shaven. 

I was the first person he looked at when he entered the room. Paying Solomon no mind, he took the seat opposite me that his brother had been sitting on only moments ago, and gave me a real dirty look. 

"Your name." He demanded. The thickness of his Spanish accent was evident in his voice. I wasn't going to answer him, but when I saw the two bulky men behind him I realised that this man wasn't putting up a front. 


He didn't take his eyes away from mine. "And your reason for being here?" 

"I'm on vacation," I said confidently. By the panicked look on Solomon's face, I must have said the wrong thing. 

Adrian scoffed. "Werewolves don't go on vacation to another pack. I'll ask you again. What brings you here?" 

This time it was my turn to panic. I didn't have a clue what to say. Think. Think. What do werewolves do? 

"I've come searching for a pack." I said, my heart beating ten times faster than before. 

The disgust in his face was what I was expecting. Maybe the stories I read are real after all. 

"So you're a rogue?" He said.

"If that's what you want to call it. I prefer lone-wolf." The confidence in my voice was beginning to settle in again. I needed to show Solomon and Catalina that they could rely on me. 

"Werewolves don't last long without a pack, it's no coincidence that you are still alive. There's something you're not telling me." When he said this, the two men took a threatening step towards me. 

"I'm telling you the truth. For as long as I've known I've been without a pack, I'm searching for one because I know that I won't last any longer." To be fair, when I said that, even I thought it was full of shit. So I wasn't surprised when he shook his head and motioned to the two men to take hold of me. 

They followed suit, and in a split second I was being pulled out of the chair against my will. 

"What pack are you from?" He asked causally. 

"How am I supposed to know what pack I'm from if I've always been alone?" I asked, wincing at the strength of the two men crushing my bones. 

Adrian looked at me suspiciously, then turned to Solomon. 

"Who let him in the pack grounds?" He said angrily. 

Solomon was leaning against the wall in a nonchalant manner. "We haven't checked CCTV yet Adrian. Marcus is on it now." 


Ailani's P.O.V

"Katie, you're going to break your shoulder if you keep doing that." 

Katie ran into the door for the 12th time, dramatically flying back to the floor with a thud. I had no watch on me to tell the time, so God knows how long we've been in this room. 

"Why don't we just scream until somebody hears us?" Katie groaned, rubbing her arm, which was probably already turning black. 

"Because we can't risk the chance of that someone being Marcus, or anyone else for that matter." I said huffing. 

"Well if we end up staying in here for the night, I take dibs on the carpet."

I looked at Katie as if she were mental. "Katie, the whole floor is a carpet babe." 

Katie shrugged her shoulders, standing up and taking the stance she had taken many times before. She was going to try and break down the door again. 

"Wish me luck." And then all of a sudden Katie sprinted up towards the door, but before she could collide...The door swung open and she went flying outside. 

A gush of air must have hit me hard, cause I found myself breathing in the air from the outside, as if I was being starved of it inside. 

Marcus stood standing at Katie, a key card hanging from a chain from his neck. I looked at him as I exited the room, and smiled cheekily. He didn't return the smile, but frowned instead. Marcus wasn't happy. 

"What did I tell you about the door marked with an 'X?" He said, pointing to the door knob. 

"That it means there's a treasure behind the door, so we should open the door and find it?" I answered sheepishly. 

Marcus shook his head and started walking down the hallway. "Come with me," he said sternly. 

Katie and I trailed behind, stifling tiny giggles with serious faces. 


Jack's P.O.V

"So let me get this straight. You and your friends are rogues and you're looking for a pack?" Adrian had asked me this question at least 5 times now, perhaps waiting for me to change my story. 


"Yes Alpha." He deadpanned me, and the slight growl in his voice made it clear that he didn't like me. 

"You're not my Alpha." I hissed. 

"If you want to be part of my pack then I am your Alpha!" 

When he said that, Solomon stood up straight and Catalina's eyes went wide. 

"Brother, you can't be considering letting this rogue into our pack?" Solomon said. It was quite clear that Solomon wanted us to leave as soon as possible. 

"Necesitamos un ejercito, Solomon." Adrian said quickly. I couldn't speak Spanish, but when I saw Adrian clench his jaw and take his place against the wall, I knew that he didn't like what his brother said. 

Adrian turned back towards me. "Can you fight?" 

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