The Beginning of the Literature Club.

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I sigh heavily as I take the long way around to the library. Such a pain.. this hiding. 

As I make my way into the library, I am hit by the smell of that young lady's blood again. I fall to my knees, at the door. Blasted weakness.. I slam my fist to the floor. ENOUGH! I shoot up the stairs and quickly lap upon the blood, still wet upon the table and floor. The taste.. is satisfying. 

I retire to my room and lock the door. Is this ever going to get better? Am I ever going to be at peace? 

This morning comes as quickly as ever, after hours of writing on my computer. Luckily, it is a rainy day, the clouds block out the sun adequately enough for me to venture out. I decide to pay my old friend, the Principle. As I enter, he is sitting behind a stake of paperwork.  

Principle- "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!!" He blindly asks, his head down on the desk.

Me- "Now is that any way to talk to an old friend?"

He shots out of his chair as if possessed by a demon. For a moment it startles me. 

Principle- "Roman! What brings you to my office, this fine stormy day?" He gives me a hearty handshake.

Now... might be the best time to explain. The Principle is an Oger I had befriended just over fifty years ago, and saved from the bombing of Hiroshima. He has been the head of the Highschool since it was built, appointed by myself.

Me- "I do not wish to stand on ceremony, Victor. I have come today because I am ready to take another.. refresher course."

Victor sits with a laugh. "Ah! Has a little rabbit caught your eye?" His face turns grim, as he intertwines his figures. "You promised me you would not do your.. hunting.. on school grounds."

Me- "Nothing like that. Quite the contrary! Though a few students have caught my eye, it is not for the purpose of feeding."

Victor leans back in his chair. "What is it then?"

I clear my throat. "A literature club."

Victor cuts his eyes at me. "A.. what?"

I would blush if I still had blood in my cheeks. "They want to start a literature club.. and.. I want to support that."

Victor picks up a paper from his desk. "Is this what you are talking about? I just got this request this morning." Victor hands me the paper.

I read over it. President of club, Monika.. Vice-president, Sayori.. "I see the treasurer is left blank. Is that normal?"

Victor shakes his head. "No, in fact, they are supposed to have three members in order to start a club. I will have to reject the request if they can not find a third member by week's end."

I look at the paper, for a moment, contemplating an arrangement. "Approve it."

Victor sits up in his seat. "Are you SERIOUS?! Those are rules YOU laid down!"

I look him in the eye, with a stern look. "And I said approve it. I will take care of the small details, personally."

Victor leans back in fear. After a quick silence, he sighs. "Fine.. But I will not play clean up on this one. If you get found out, it is on your head."

I wave my hand. "Then my business is concluded. If you would just stamp the form, I will handle the rest."

Victor reluctantly but forcefully stamps the form, showing it approved. "Don't get over your head."

I laugh. "I have AT LEAST two hundred years on any one of these students. I think I can handle myself."

Victor crosses his arms. "I hope you are right.."

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