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Instead of going back to the library, I decided to walk around town. It had changed a lot since the last time I really took the time to notice it. Many new businesses and house developments had sprung up, marked by a fair amount of foliage, for Japan. I mean... let's not pretend, these people have graveyards on rooftops and hotel beds in things that look like driers, a few trees are an accomplishment. I continue on, not worrying about being noticed, it is not as if I could not whip their memories anyhow. As I continue up a path to the mountains, I stop as I begin to approach a line of torii, marking a path to a shrine. Oddly enough, I feel no resistance from the scared ground that lies before me, perhaps the virgin blood is indeed working. I slowly continue, warry of any sudden movements around me. However, nothing moves.. it is almost too peaceful, as I step foot on the shrine's hallowed grounds. 

?- "What do you seek here, demon?" A voice echos from the shrine.

I laugh. "I am just out for a stroll, don't mind me."

The shrine is silent for a moment, as I walk past.

"Wait?! Did.. you seriously just walk in here by mistake?!" The voice asks.

I peek back around the corner of the shrine. "No. I walked straight through without any regard."

I consider, just for a moment, entering the shrine, but I shrug and continue up the mountain. As I reach the top, the sunset is in full view. A beautiful canvas of reds, oranges, and purples dance across the sky, bidding fair well to another day. I sigh happily, as an odd young woman approaches from behind, her long white hair dancing in the light breeze.

"Have you missed the sunset that much?" She asks, very shyly.

"Yes! It has been far too long since I have even seen the sunlight. I am looking forward to seeing it more often." I reply without turning to face her.

She approaches further and sits down beside me. "Was it painful, becoming as you are now?"

I smile. "Very painful. It takes a lot to remodel a being into another, stronger being."

She takes my face in her hands and turns my eyes to meet hers. "Why did you hide from me for so long, Onii-chan?"

I smile back at her gently. "I became... something.. I thought, would never be worthy of your presence again. So.. I gave up, hideaway, ran from the light."

She looks me dead in the eyes as she asks her next question, I feel a chill run up my spine as she does. "Are you happy, Onii-chan?"

I look down. "I wasn't... before...." I look up at her. "But I am now, knowing that I am not alone."

She smiles wide. "You found friends, Onii-chan! I am so happy to hear this!" She hugs me, I feel a warmth I have not felt in centuries. "I am so proud of you, my dearest Onii-chan!"

I hug her back. "I missed you, Oinari!"

She leans back with a frown upon her face. "After all this time, you will not address me by my name?!" 

I laugh. "But you ARE an Oinari, so isn't that a befitting title?"

She huffs. "No! I want to hear you say my real name!!"

I pulls her close and whisper in her pointed ears. "Ookami."

Of course, her face instantly turns bright red as she pulls away. "Jeez, you didn't have to be weird about it!"

I chuckle at her. "You were going to blush either way."

She huffs and looks away. "And yet you don't even react to onii-chan! Must not be so SPECIAL to you!!" She begins to walk away, but I grab her hand and pull her back to me, with a yanking motion.

I slowly pet her head. "No one else calls me onii-chan but you."

She smiles for a moment then grabs my hand. "Then why don't you ever blush?!"

I look her in the eyes. "How many centuries do you figure I have been out of touch with my emotions?"

She sighs. "Okay! You have an excuse for everything, don't you?"

I shake my head. "I don't have a good excuse for leaving you alone all this time.."

She quickly buries her head into my chest. "You're a meanie bohinie.."

I lean down. "I'm sorry, I did not hear you!" I begin to tickle her.

She begins to slowly laugh. "I SAID you are a MEANIE BOHINIE!" 

I pretend to be angry. "I am not a bohinie, I am a vampire!!"

She looks up, smiling with tears still in her eyes. "Same thing!"

I argue back, playfully. "No no. A bohinie has horns. I, however, do not!" I put figures up to my forehead to symbolize horns.

She giggles. "Okay, fine, you made me feel better. Happy now?"

I hug her again. "I am much happier.. now."

She sighs happily as we finish watching the sunset over the horizon.

After a few more hours of talking, I decide to head back. 

As I begin to leave, Ookami yells to me. "I love you, onii-chan! Bring me back a book to read, next time!"

I nod and continue on. 

If you have not figured it out yet, let me explain. My little sister was a priestess, back when we were alive. Now, centuries later, I am a vampire and she is an Oinari, or shrine guardian, goddess, whatever you wish to call them. She is relatively bound to the shrine and its immediate surroundings. That is why, once I knew I was stronger than the shrine's holy blessing, I entered to visit her. Mind you, she is not the only Oinari there, but no other would dare approach a demon that could pass through the torii unharmed. Hmm. Now that I think about it, I wonder if I could eat regular food again. 

I return to the library where I drink another can of blood and lay down. It has been a very unique day, I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

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