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Yuri jumps as the Grim Reaper accidentally bumps into her, coming through the portal.

"Ehh!" She bows quickly. "Terribly sorry, mister reaper!"

The Grim Reaper chuckles, patting her on the head. "It is quite alright, dear girl." He turns to me. "So refreshing to meet young people that respect their elders."

I nod. "Yuri is very mature for her age."

She slowly moves to my side, taking my arm. 

Natsuki leaps up from her chair and runs to me. "Is Monika going to be okay? You are not going to let the Grim Reaper take her, are you?!"

We all look back at Eunice, who steps past up and quickly places her hand on Monika's forehead. "As it is within my power, I grant this girl pardon from death's grasp, this day."

The Grim Reaper crosses his arms. "Everyone makes me sound like some kind of villain." He mutters.

I look at him with a shrug. "I guess you know how vampires feel then."

A bright light moves from Eunice's hand into Monika, making her glow. After a few moments of this, the glow deems and Monika opens her eyes.

Hitomi checks her temperature again. "96.3. She is back to normal!"

Eunice turns and looks at me. "I will see you, in the principle's office by seven pm. You may explain the situation in detail, to Victor and Frank." She then leaves with the Grim Reaper, closing the portal behind them.

I groan. "I hate politics."

Monika looks up at us. "What.. happened?"

Natsuki rushes to her, wrapping her in a hug. "You were sick and the Grim Reaper came for you and Roman argued with him and they walked into this spooky-looking portal thing and then they returned with this lady and healed you!!!" She rambles.

Monika pats her on the back. "Relax, Natsuki. Just breathe." She then looks over Natsuki's shoulder at me. "I have no idea what you did, but thank you."

I nod, smiling gently. 

Hitomi wheels her chair to her desk. "If I heard correctly, you discussed this matter with Fate, herself. Your reputation no doubt aided you in that nasty business."

I shrug. "I honestly found her very open to negotiation, once due respect was enacted."

Hitomi rolls her eyes. "As I said, your reputation aided you."

Yuri grips my arm. "Uh.. Roman?"

I look at her, realizing she has just experienced more than her fair share of my world. I hold her close. "Everything is okay, Yuri. Monika is safe and the Grim Reaper has left."

Yuri shakes in my arms, slowly looking up at me. "That... WAS SO FREAKING COOL!!!" She smiles.

Natsuki glances at her with tears still rolling down her cheeks. "That was scary!"

Monika holds Natsuki, lightly chuckling. "I actually expected those two reactions to be switched: Yuri thinking it was scary and Natsuki thinking it was cool!"

"How could I not be scared?.. my only aunt was dying." Natsuki mumbles.

Yuri turns her head to Monika and Natsuki. "I am sorry. I do not mean to sound insensitive. I was worried about you too, Monika. However, after the fact, I am still a big geek when it comes to the supernatural and monsters."

Monika looks at me questioningly. "Have you told her?"

I shake my head. "I thought it best for everyone to make their own introductions, in that regard."

Monika sits on the side of the bed, drying Natsuki's eyes. "Come now, sweety, it is all over."

Natsuki sniffs. "You promise?"

Monika smiles. "Yes, I promise."

I can see now what Monika meant about being there for Natsuki, in her mother's place. She actually fills that role very well. Even her gentle smile beams with the nurturing nature of a mother, and her soft voice reinforces that love.

Hitomi turns around in her chair, looking straight at Yuri. "I suppose I will go first." She waves her hand in front of her face, as her two eyes become one. "I.. am a cyclops."

Yuri lets go of my arm and slowly examines Hitomi from a short distance. "Is it true your depth perception is hindered, having one eye?"

Hitomi shakes her head. "Cyclopses have an affinity for magic, specifically protection magic. Through that, we always know the distance between us and other objects. It was actually those racial traits that lead me to consider becoming a nurse."

Yuri starts to reach out her hand, towards Hitomi, but stops, pulling her hand back. "I.. I am sorry. I should ask first."

Hitomi smiles. "I appreciate you not poking me in the eye. It is actually not as sensitive as a human's, but the act would still hurt."

Natsuki finally calms down and sees the opportunity to bond closer with Yuri. "I guess I will go next." She pulls her mouth open, on one side, showing her enlarged k9's. "I am a werewolf."

Yuri's eyes light up. "Really?!"

Natsuki nods, proud of herself. "Sometimes it is a pain like all the enhanced senses really get annoying. And then other times.. it helps you get to know people."

Yuri looks confused.

Natsuki walks a bit closer to her, lightly touching her arm. "I could smell this. I also heard the knife and cell phone knocking together, in your bag, as you came in earlier. Not to mention, the closet was perfect for overhearing everyone's conversations." Natsuki looks Yuri in the eye. "Please don't be mad with me. I can't shut off my senses."

Yuri slowly wraps Natsuki in a hug. "I was not mad at Roman when he told me he could smell my blood. I certainly will not be mad at you for being concerned for me."

Natsuki smiles, hugging her back. "I don't smell blood on you today. Does that mean you haven't cut yourself?"

Yuri nods. "Since my secret is out.. and I realized someone cared about my wellbeing, I have been more relaxed." She separates herself from Natsuki, looking her in the eyes. "You have no idea what I wouldn't give to have a father like yours. Someone to always come home to, someone who truly cares about you."

Natsuki looks down. "Yeah.. your parents are barely home. That must be awfully lonely." She looks up at her with a slight smile. "Maybe.. you would like some company sometime?"

Yuri smiles. "I would like that."

Monika stands and approaches Yuri, as Natsuki moves back. Monika smiles sheepishly. "I.. am a succubus, Yuri."

Yuri stares at Monika for a moment, taking longer than usual to comprehend the information given to her. "Is.. that why Sayori freaked out yesterday?"

Monika looks at the floor. "I.. did something.. I am not proud of.. and I am going to do everything I can to make it up to Sayori, even if she will not remember what I did."

Yuri looks at me questioningly.

"I rewrote Sayori's memory of this topic. According to Zero..." I turn to Monika. "He says he does not hate you, Monika. Sayori is better for this happening, happier, and healthier even."

Monika's tears flow forth quickly. "I.. am so happy to hear that!" 

Yuri and Natsuki both slowly approach her and wrap her in a hug, as happy tears continue to flow.

The sight reminds me, no matter how different they are, true friends are always there, both physically and emotionally. 

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