The Last Straw

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Monika and I exit my room, as I dawn my coat. "You know the plan. You distract Sayori, and I will get closer to Zero. We will get to the bottom of this quickly."

Monika nods, but looks away with a worried expression. "Is.. it bad.. that I am still jealous?"

I shake my head. "But let's be honest, you have no reason to be jealous. Justin seems to be very taken with you. And he is immune to your charms."

Monika shrugs. "I thought I might find SOMEONE other than a werewolf, like my older sister!"

I laugh. "Can beggers be choosy?"

Monika struggles to smile. "I guess you are right."

I smile. "I am USUALLY right!"

Monika lightly punches my arm. "You are a smug bastard!"

I shrug it off as we make our way to the club room. Sitting, waiting patently is Yuri, who smiles warmly at me.

"Hello, Roman, would you like to spend some time with me today?" Yuri asks, with pleading eyes.

I feel bad about how I have to answer that today. "I am sorry, Yuri. I have business with Zero today, which is urgent to address. However, if you have time after the club, you could meet me at my room."

Yuri blushes wildly. "You... want me to meet you... at your room?!"

I wave my hands wildly. "Do not get the wrong idea! I just want to be fair to you, you are my number one fan, after all!"

Yuri breaths and calms down. "I.. understand. Perhaps the conversation would be best left for a private atmosphere." 

I nod, patting her on the shoulder. "I am glad you understand. I can always count on you!"

Yuri blushes as I walk away.

As Sayori and Zero enter the club room, Monika and I put our plan into motion. Natsuki had already been informed to stir clear of Zero for the day. And with my conversation with Yuri, no one stands in my way of getting to the bottom of the issue. I walk up to Zero and quickly address him.

"Zero! Buddy! Hey, how about you join me for a drink while the president and vice-president discuss their business!" I smile warmly as I do this, and even make physical contact with him, to show alpha dominance. 

Sayori looks worried at Monika. 

"Don't worry, it is festival time, after all!" Monika says, patting Sayori on the back. It looks like she is familiar with the alpha physical contact technic too.

"That is fine! I hate politics!" Zero answers back, following me out the door. 

As we walk to the vending machine, I get right to the point. "Sayori is a lucky girl, to have such a good friend as you."

Zero laughs nervously. "I am not sure exactly what you mean, but she is 5' 4" pain in my ass!" 

"Oh, but you are such life long friends! It is only natural she gravitates to you!" I smile, putting money into the machine.

"Dude, if you are jealous, you are welcome to try to get to know her!" Zero crosses his arms.

I laugh. "I am very much interested in Yuri, thank you thou."

Zero sighs. "Sayori isn't exactly on the level if you know what I mean."

My eyes sharpen at him. "I see. And how about you?"

Zero nervously steps back. "I have no mental disorders thank you very much!"

I grab his shoulder and look deep into his eyes. "Not EXACTLY what I meant. Brother, I need you to level with me."

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