A New Visitor.

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A door creeks open, downstairs in my library. My ears perk up.

?- "He..hello? Is anyone here?"

I sigh as I free myself from my computer, in the second story back room, to see who came in. I peek down to the door, seeing a young lady wandering in. 

Must be a first-year who got lost. She will leave on her own.

As I return to my ventures in... electronic education, I continue to hear her footsteps.

Persistent! Very curious... her right leg is dragging behind a bit more than the left... she.. stopped.

I return to the banister, looking out over the library. I stealthily search the room for her, finally seeing her sitting at one of the tables, her backpack set on the floor. I can make out the name sewed elegantly into it... Monika? Hmm. Fairly average American name. What is she reading? 

I hold back a gasp as I read the cover. 

As I had said before, this library was once part of my castle. There are some books, held within, that were part of my private collection. One such book she now holds in her hands. Myths and Monsters, a documentation of my time researching other monsters, like myself. 

I move silently to get a view from behind her. What page is she on? Succubus... Why succubus?!

She is not running her figure against the page but rather is tapping the picture. 

I withdraw again, in a huff. I am starting to think starting a highschool was a bad idea. Illiterate little.. If you are going to search out a book, you might as well read it!!

This was not the last time I was "visited" by Monika. She returned almost every day for a year, to read. Most of the time it happened to be a book from my private collection. I slowly grew weary of her constant presence. So much so that I contemplated snapping her neck. Eventually, however, she did not return... But, also, she was not the last. 

Another seemed to pick up the visits where she left off, A young lady with purple hair. She was much quieter than Monika had been, almost as if she was hiding from something or someone. However, unlike Monika, she insisted on visiting the second story, which made it hard for me to sneak around. 

After a month of this, I began to get a whiff of a familiar smell... blood. Blood?! I peered around a corner to see the young lady's arm cut seven different directions. The blood drips onto the table, as a small splash hits the floor. I am lost for words. However, it is also taking all my strength to hold back leaping upon her. That smell.. is intoxicating. 

She recovers her arm, with the sleeve of her uniform, and walks calmly out of the library. As the door closes behind her, I fall to the floor, panting for air. That smell.. I could have lost my mind, with a smile upon my face. I.. need to get some fresh air. 

I wait for a moment, then exit the library. It is late evening, and the sun is setting over the horizon. As I walk the school grounds, I see teachers going home late. Among them is a familiar student... Monika. As she waves goodbye to the teachers, she turns and sees me.

Monika- "Oh.. hello! I don't think I have seen you before." 

Me- I shrug as I answer her, just to be polite. "I have always been here, am just walking off a bad idea."

Monika looks curiously at me. "What an odd phrasing. How do you 'walk off a bad idea'?"

I look at her with a blank expression. "Walk till you are not thinking about it anymore."

Monika raises her index figure as she asks her next question. "What if the thought does not go away?"

I am surprised... that she is so predictable. "It must not have been that bad, if you carried it that far, then you might as well carry it to completion."

Monika smiles sweetly. "My grandfather used to tell me the exact same thing. Would.. you like some company?"

I shrug. "If that is the idea you have to walk off, then sure." 

Monika giggles lightly as she joins me on my walk. 

Monika leans forward slightly and looks at me, as we walk. "So, what was so awful that you had to walk it off?"

I glance at her. "There is no point in discussing it. The reasoning was to forget it."

Monika- "I know, I know. But you seem like a deep thinking kind of guy. Must be pretty hard to get to you." 

I nod. "'One's Ideas must be as broad as nature if they are to interpret nature', Sherlock Holmes."

Monika- "What, do you live in a library or something?!"

I glance at a snickering Monika. "Doesn't everyone?" I ask sarcastically. 

Monika stops in her tracks. "I WISH! That would be so amazing!" Monika spins in place, slowly. "The smell of the books. The endless knowledge....."

Her emerald green eyes seem to shine with the setting sun's light, as she continues to ramble about books and library living arrangements.

Finally, I break her train of thought. "WELL! Looks like I have forgotten everything, even the time. I must be going."

I hear her mumble something, as I start to walk away.

Monika steps forward, slightly. "Wait! Will... will you walk with me again sometime?"

I look back at her. "Still courting that bad idea, I see."

Monika smiles again. "I thought it was not soo bad, if it stayed with you!"

I shrug. "Sure, why not."

Monika- "Great! Also, may I ask your opinion on something?"

I cross my arms. "As long as it will not take long."

Monika jumps slightly. "Well... I am a second year, and I was thinking about starting a club."

Me- "I don't recall there being any school rules against that."

Monika waits for me to finish before continuing her train of thought. "A literature club.."

I tab my foot. "I fail to see your point. Could you phrase that as a question?"

Monika takes a deep breath and blurts out her question. "Do you think starting a literature club would be a bad idea?!"

I turn away and begin walking. 

Monika looks disappointed.

Me- "It is a very good idea, and you should trust your own judgment more!"

Monika laughs. "Thank you!"

Me- "Don't mention it."

Monika's POV

As this tall, dark stranger walked away from me, I could not help but wonder... An ominous feeling, a thought on the breeze, blew through my hair. I smile. It would not be the first time I brought a man like him to his knees.

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