The Succubus

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I make my way back to the library, unable to put my figure on Monika's.. behavior. She acts so strangely. Thou, it seems.. somehow familiar. I shrug and return to my room, locking the door behind me.

As I sit down at my desk, a book, on my shelf, catches my eye. I pull it off and begin looking through it. I had moved all of my private collection to my room, although, I now know I misplaced Portraits of Markov. Yuri was smiling while reading it, so I guess I can't just take it from her.

As I flip through the book, from the shelf, I come across an entry that I do not recognize. It is written in, at the bottom of the page. "'We need to talk'." Who wrote this?! My mind races, angered by the defacement of my book. Yuri, Monika, someone else?!! Either way.. I will be alone with Monika tomorrow, perhaps I can get to the bottom of things.

I slam the book shut and boot up my computer. Typing furiously on another chapter of my book, trying to get the thoughts of killing someone off my mind.

The next day is met with storms worse than the last. Luckily for me, there is a Hurricane rolling in. I could stand in category five winds with no issue, but this is only a category two and still pretty far off.

I look at the clock. "Ten am, still a good day before I have to deal with Monika. Although, only another two hours before Yuri visits.. as usual..."

I sigh, heavily. It is not like self-harm is a new concept. Even the Japanese would perform seppuku if they felt that they dishonored their families. However, that is more along the lines of suicide more than masochism. I silently curse the name of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, for making that idea public knowledge.

I become engrossed in my work, researching hypnosis technics and other ways of delivering subliminal messages, to try to explain the feeling I got from Monika the other day. Such things would not have simply affected me, but I still can sense when someone trying to enthrall me.

I am so busy, I do not notice the sounds of Yuri coming into the library. The smell of her blood does, however, catch my attention. I force myself to ignore it, as I continue to read through book after book. I begin to get frustrated. That smell!! One of these days.... I slam my head against my desk, without thinking.

Yuri- "Ehh! there.. someone there?!"

Damn it.. should I answer her? No! This might be what I need to reclaim my peace! I slam my head against my desk again. I hear Yuri steer and begin to hurry out of the library. I am sorry, Yuri, but you do not want to be on the receiving end of my blood lust.

I lean back, in my chair, with a sigh as I hear the library door close behind her. How long has it been since I feed? Two months? Maybe more? Perhaps it is time to take another small walk.

After a few more hours, I give up my search and begin putting away a stack of books, thrown about my room.

Just before the last book, is put away, I hear the library door open again. I leave my room quickly and lock the door behind me.

Monika- "Roman, are you here?"

Me- "Yeah, I am upstairs."

Monika makes her way upstairs, but I am already far from my room's door, on the other side of the second story.

I wave to her. "I am over here."

Monika walks up, looking around the shelves. "These books are college-level or higher!"

I smile confidently. "I prefer these, personally. How about you?"

She laughs nervously. "I prefer poetry and educational books. On occasion, I will read a fantasy novel or two."

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