Date with Depravity

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Monika's POV

Although I was disappointed that Zero had chosen Sayori over me, I was also relieved that Roman had fixed a mistake I had quickly regretted. I don't know what got into me. We had been talking, the subject was turned to Zero, and I just lost it. I used my power.. on one of my friends.. a human no less. Sayori may have forgotten, but the weight of my actions still weighs heavily on my heart. What if I had done something similar if Zero had been interested in Yuri, or God forbid my niece, Natsuki?! I can't do this again. I must hide away that side of my power and never use it again. Under no circumstance should I allow a repeat of today.

I walk silently beside Justin. He is being such a gentleman, letting me sort out my thoughts. I finally calm down and look at him. "So, where are we going?"

Justin smiles. "I figured, if I was going to break you out of your funk, the beach might be the best place. The stars and moon are in full view out there."

I chuckle. "How romantic of you!"

Justin puts his arm around me, as a cool breeze blows past us. The warmth of his body is soothing. "I made a poor first impression starting a fight with your niece and Roman. I thought I would take a shot at redemption."

I smile up at him. "I think the beach under a star lite sky is a great start." 

We walk a little further and reach the beach. The stars are so bright and clear, and the moon is full. We lay down in the sand and stare up at the beautiful sky. The cool breeze sweeps by again, sending a chill down my spine. I should have grabbed a coat. 

"It would be a wonderful night if I wasn't so cold." I say, my teeth clicking together.

Justin rolls over on top of me, my feelings swim between surprise, fear, desire, and insult.

"Uh.. what are you doing?" I ask.

Justin leans his head down to my ear, his warm breath licking at my neck. "I could keep you warm." He says seductively.

Despite the warmth from his body and his smooth attempt at seducing me, I am still a virgin, and very much intend to keep it that way.

I smile. "As tempting as that is, I would not argue with the warmth if that is all you intend to offer."

Justin kisses my neck, sending warmth through my entire body. "Oh, come on. What is the harm in a little more fun tonight?"

I attempt to struggle, but he pins my hands above my head. "Get off, Justin! I am not interested in being another one of your conquests."

Justin smiles wide. "Ah, now your just being a tease." 

Before my eyes, Justin transforms into his werewolf form. 

He looks back down at me with a drooling smile. "I am going to show you the pleasure your dear departed sister experienced! After all, what is a succubus but a slut waiting to be born."

I struggle more. "How dare you bring up my dead sister while attempting to rape me!!" I snarl back angrily, tears flowing from my eyes.

Justin laughs at my distress, angering me more. I kick him between the legs, he reels back and falls to the sand in pain. His claws catch part of my uniform as he falls. Thank goodness I never skip leg day. 

I stand up, dusting myself off. My eyes glow a bright emerald green, the same emerald green my father held so dearly about our mother. "You know.. I was hoping you would be different!! Just for a moment, I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt, let you get close to me, try to have something normal!! But NOOO!! You had to go and ruin it, and in record time, I might add!!"

Justin slowly props himself up on one arm. "I will rip you apart for that, bitch!!" He growls at me.

I glare at him. "Or.. you could just shut up and take the beating due to you, mutt."

With one swift motion of my right leg, I kick his arm out from under him and then bring my foot down on the back of his head. 

"If you think I am weak, you are about to learn why your precious cheerleaders only mock me in passing or get brave when they have a large group of friends nearby!! A succubus is far from just a pretty face, we are also stronger when we are angered." I growl.

Justin tries to raise his head out of the sand, but I force it back down.

"The mutt will not be permitted to raise its head in the presence of its better!!" I swing my left leg around, quickly removing my right from his head before making contact. "BAD DOG!!"

Justin flies out of the sand, rolling a few feet before stopping on his back. He reverts back to his human form.

"Ah.. shit. Did I kill you?" I groan.

Justin's mouth and right eye are bleeding as he groans and coughs. "Fucking.. bitch.!!"

I put my foot on his chest. "And don't you forget it!! If you come near me and my friends and family, with the intention of hurting them, I will personally rip your balls off. Apparently your mother didn't kick your ass enough!!" I smile as calmly and sweetly as I can. "So please apologize to her, when you see her, that I had to do it for her!!" I then kick him one more time, straight to the head, knocking him out. I, of course, check for a pulse after doing so. Let no one ever say I didn't.

After an exhausting walk back, I decided to stop by the library. Vampires don't actually sleep.. right?

I open the door to the library and move quickly up the stairs to Roman's door and knock. I don't know if Yuri might have spent the night... What am I saying, Yuri wouldn't do that. Would she? I knock again.

Roman's POV

Someone is knocking on my door? I look at the clock. It is almost midnight. I groan as I pick myself up from my computer and answer the door. As I open it, Monika stares at me timidly.

"Promise you will not be mad?" She asks head hung slightly as she looks up at me.

I notice a few tears in her uniform as my eyes venture up to meet her's. "Who do I need to kill?"

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