Death/ Zero

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During the night, I am awoken by a low pitched whistling sound. I slowly get up and search for the source of the sound. After a few minutes, I discover the source to be a partially open window on the other side of the second floor. 

Had someone left this open earlier?

I look around for any further signs that someone had entered, but I find none. Closing the window, I begin my venture back to bed.

?- "Roman.." A male voice whispers across the library.

I look around quickly, but I see no one. "Who is there?!"

Evil laughter answers me back.

I slow my breathing and calm myself, clearing my senses. I concentrate on my unwelcome visitor. No smell. No footsteps. No... heartbeat? I open my eyes just in time to see a scythe being swung at me. I skillfully dodge and stare into the glowing red eyes of the... thing in front of me.

"What are you to be so bold?" I growl.

The hooded figure before me lifts its hood to reveal a skull adorned with eyes ablaze. "I am a Shinigami." His deep voice booms through the library. 

"What business do you have with me?" I stand ready to defend myself, should he attack again.

He laughs again and points a boney figure at me. "Death shall touch your life in the next three days."

I leap upon him, pinning him down to the floor. "You mean to kill me?!"

The Shinigami begins to fade away, into the floor, with a less than enduring laughter. "I never said I was killing YOU."

I awaken in my bed, jumping up quickly with the full intention of continuing a meaningless fight. However, as I look around my room, I see no sign of the hooded Shinigami. I slam my fist into the wall, in anger. As I do so, I hear a familiar yelp from the other side of the wall.


I sigh. Yuri must have returned to cut herself again..

The door slowly opens as Yuri pokes her head inside. "Oh! Roman! Wh.. what are you doing in here at this hour?" She asks as she enters my room.

I look at the clock, it is noon. I turn back to her. "I.. uh.."

Yuri looks around at the bed, desk, etc in the room. "Do.. you live here?"

I guess the secret is out.. I nod.

Yuri looks around the room, closely. Her eyes begin to widen as she examines a few of the books on my shelves. "These.. are by the same author as...." Her voice trails off, suddenly, leaving me to wonder what she is thinking. 

Silence quickly descends, leaving a feeling of awkwardness in the air.  

Yuri slowly reaches for one of the books and flips through it. Her eyes begin to light up, as they seem to do regarding literature she enjoyed. She slowly sits on the floor as she continues to read in silence. 

I smile and sit at my desk, turning on my computer. I begin to review and proofread a book I was writing. After a few moments of typing, I feel a warm breeze on the back of my neck. I turn my head, ending up inches from Yuri's face.

"Ehh! So.. sorry." She moves back quickly. "I was peeking over your shoulder. Do.. you write stories of your own?" Yuri shyly asks.

I smile. "Yes! Let's say our favorite author is my inspiration."

Yuri reads over the screen quickly. "Your styles are very similar. Almost frighteningly similar!"

In my head.. I sigh. No shit, Yuri, we are one and the same.

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