Highschool Drama

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The next morning, I drink my can of blood, which I now jokingly call my energy drink, and walk to Victor's office. On the way there, I greet Zero and Sayori in passing.

"Hey Roman!" Sayori exclaims cheerfully as ever.

Zero gives me a silent wave.

"How's it going, you two?" I ask.

"Better, if you can believe it." Zero responds.

Sayori giggles at him, giving him a long hug and then running off to class.

Zero watches her. "It is like she is a different person."

"How so?"

Zero turns to look at me. "After the other day, she not only confessed her love to me, she got up without me having to wake her, and just seems happier in general. By the way, what happened with Monika?"

I smile, looking away. "She deeply regrets her actions and will make constant attempts to make it up to Sayori."

Zero looks confused. "But, because of you Sayori does not remember anything about her argument with Monika."

I shrug. "That will not stop Monika from being a better friend to her."

Zero smiles. "Just let her know, I don't hate her. Sayori is better for this happening, and her happiness is all I really care about."

I chuckle. "That is quite the 180 you just pulled from the other day."

"Yeah.. well.. I guess I realized, when she confessed her love for me, that all this time I have been watching over her because I truly care about her."

I smile warmly. "And now her smile brightens you day like no ray of sunlight ever could."

Zero grins. "Sounds like you know exactly how I feel."

Just then, Yuri walks through the school gate. I can smell a rich scent of lavender on her today. She sees us and begins swiftly walking towards us.

"I do, and it is all thanks to her." I reply.

Yuri walks up to me and lands a kiss upon my cheek. "Goodmorning, Roman." She turns to Roman. "Goodmorning, Zero. Is everything well with Sayori today?"

Zero nods. "She is better than okay."

Yuri smiles warmly. "You have the air of a man in love. Sayori is a lucky girl."

Zero smiles back. "And Roman is a lucky man."

Yuri glances at me. "I like to think THAT luck is very much equally shared."

"Of course!" I chuckle. "Well, you both best be off to class. I have business with Victor this morning."

Zero waves as he takes off.

Yuri takes a moment to straighten my clothes. "You sound so professional today." She moves closer with a seductive smile. "I really like that."

I smile back, all be it nervously. "Then you will love what I am planning..."

Yuri puts her index finger to my lips. "Surprise me." She says sweetly.

I can't say this new behavior is bad, although it catches me off guard, making me nervous and happy at the same time. 

Yuri kisses me goodbye and walks away. The movement of her hips catch my attention as she strolls into the school house. I see it is going to take a lot of self control to not misbehave.

I walk towards Victor's office. As I near the door, I hear yelling.. but it is strange, almost like an ec.. ho.. no. 

Suddenly a bark portal opens, where the door was, and a large red hand reaches out and grabs me, pulling me in.

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