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As I follow Monika through the school to the club room, we pass faces I had never seen before. A group of cheerleaders rush past us, in the courtyard, one lightly bumps into Monika as they pass, knocking one of the books from her stack.

"Hehe, sorry Betty!" She shouts back as they continue on laughing.

Monika groans as I pick up the book. "I hate those girls."

"Why?" I ask as I hand her back the book.

Monika sticks out her tongue and crosses her eyes as she responds. "Oh! Look at me! All the guys want to date me! hehehe." Monika makes a gagging sound.

I smile. "Couldn't you have any guy you wanted?"

Monika stops walking and turns to me, her expression is one of anger and disgust. "I COULD, but it would not be REAL!! My older sister found that.. I want a love like her's, something truer than the blood in our veins."

I laugh. "There is a bit of a poet in you after all!"

Monika blushes slightly. "You.. really think so?"

I smile gently. "Absolutely!"

As we continue into the main school building, I stop in my tracks. All the smells and sounds begin to become heavy.

Monika looks back at me concerned. "Are you going to be okay?"

I take a deep breath, concentrating on drowning out my senses. After a moment, I stand up straight and look Monika in the eye. "I just had to manage the transition. I am better now, I promise."

Monika slowly turns away but shots me one last worried look. "If you say so.."

I don't blame her for being warry, Vampires are not exactly known for their self-control. However, I have had centries of practice, mostly trial and error. If she had seen me in my early years, she would have never approached me. As I continue to walk and think, I am finally snapped out of my daydream by a familiar voice.

Sayori- "Yay! I found you!"

Monika laughs. "Were you getting worried?"

Sayori shakes her head. "We were all just waiting for you.. so I said I would look for you."

Sayori does not seem to notice I am here, I guess I do not stand out in her opinion... or she is just an airhead. "Well, I am ready to meet everyone!"

Sayori jumps as if I leaped out from behind Monika. "EHH! Don't scare me like that!!! Meanie.."

Monika looks at me then back at her. "Uh, Sayori, he was standing here the whole time.."

Sayori looks dazed and confused as her eyes dart strangely between us. "I.. uh.."

Monika hands me the books and puts her hand on Sayori's forehead. "Are you feeling okay?"

Sayori jumps again. "EHH!.. Yeah, I just spaced out. hehehe"

I lean over to Monika and whisper. "Does she do that a lot?"

Monika turns and nods with a smile.

I follow them to the club room where three people are seated.. in different corners of the room.. how strange. Oh! Right! Like a hermit of a Vampire wouldn't find this completely normal!

One face I recognize immediately. Then there is a pink hair girl, sitting just inside the closet. And finally, a dark-haired man at the front of the room, looking increasingly awkward. I assume these two are Natsuki and Zero.

I motion to Sayori. "I think I will introduce myself to your friend."

Sayori smiles. "Hehehe. He is probably feeling weird about being in a club full of girls."

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