Illness or Side Affect

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"Mr. Roman... Mr. Roman!" A voice breaks me from my trance. I slowly open my eyes to see the school nurse leaned over me. 

I slowly lift my head and look around. "Where.. am I?"

"You are in the nurse's office, Mr. Roman. I am nurse Hitomi, at your service." The normal-looking woman smiles softly.

Just as Hitomi sits back down, a knock comes from the door.

Hitomi- "Come in."

The door opens revealing the entirety of the literature club.

Monika is the first to speak. "How are you doing, Roman? You gave us quite the scare."

"What happened?" I ask, still dazed.

"I.. uh.." Yuri seems beside herself as she struggles to speak. "I.. stopped you to ask if... you wanted to..  read.. together, and you.. well... collapsed."

I breathe a sigh of relief. I thought for a moment I might have lost control. "I feel better now, and after my examination maybe......"

I am interrupted by nurse Hitomi. "There will not be any further activities for you today, Mr. Roman! In fact, you should be resting for the rest of the day."

"Will he be able to join us in the club tomorrow?" Monika asks, shotting a concerned look in my direction.

"I can not make that determination until the examination is complete." Hitomi seems to stare at Monika as she says this as if trying to convey a deeper message.

Monika turns quickly to the others. "Okay everyone, let's leave the nice nurse to her work!"

As they leave, each of them say their goodbyes.

"Get well soon, and hurry back, I will be making cupcakes!" Natsuki smiles.

"Yes, but please do not overexert yourself on our account... We will be happy to have you back, in due time." Yuri waves as she leaves with Natsuki.

Sayori is the next to come up with Zero. "Thank you for welcoming Zero so warmly, Roman. We will miss you while you are out."

I look at Zero. "Does that mean...?"

Zero smiles widely. "Yes! I have decided to join the literature club, so remember to come back, okay?"

I smile. "You can count on it!"

They wave to me as they leave.

Monika turns to Hitomi. "I will see no one stays behind to listen in." She turns to me. "Be completely honest with her, Roman. She can not help you otherwise."

Monika hurries out of the room, closing the door behind her. As she does this, the door immediately locks. I begin to notice the windows are well covered, blocking out any outside light.

I turn to Hitomi. "Okay.. what now?"

"Well, now that they are gone...." Hitomi waves her hand in front of her face. As she does this her eyes become one, and she stares at me. "As you can see, I am a cyclops. I have already guessed your spices, but you may confirm it if you wish."

 I look into her large, rather inviting eye. "I am a vampire."

Hitomi writes a few lines in a notebook and then looks back up at me. "I am going to ask you a series of questions, and I need you to be honest with me. Can you do that?"

I nod.

Hitomi takes a deep breath before beginning. "When was the last time you fed?"

I think to myself. "About half a year ago, not counting a very light snack of spilled blood the other day."

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