Alone With a Purple Flower

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As I slow my pace, walking back to the club room, my thoughts are consumed by the thought of Yuri and I being alone this evening. My mind wanders to the image of her smile, now the brightest light filling my dark soul. Oh, how I long to see that smile for the rest of my life.. but that would mean..... I stop in my tracks, realizing where my train of thought was leading me. I.. couldn't. I wouldn't!! I slap myself across the face. How dare I even consider dragging her into my personal hell!! I walk faster, up the stairs, and to the club room door flinging it open.

The slam it makes startles Yuri and Natsuki. 

"Ehh! Roman?!" Yuri exclaims.

I hear a slam, in the closet, followed by a crash, as a box of manga fall on Natsuki.

"Oww.." Natsuki groans.

Yuri's head whips around from me to the closet. "Natsuki?! Are you okay?!"

Natsuki crawls out of the closet. "Yeah.. What is the big idea, Roman?"

"I'm sorry. I was getting worked up with my own thoughts." I reply monotoned.

Natsuki looks around. "Where is Monika?"

I look up at Natsuki, a deathly worried expression dawned upon her face. Oh.. right. She probably heard everything that happened with Sayori. I turn to Yuri. "Can you excuse us a moment?" I motion to Natsuki to follow me into the hall.

"Eh.. yeah. I was just finishing a chapter in my book." Yuri replies, returning to reading.

Natsuki follows me out into the hall, as I close the door behind us.

"Want a soda?" I ask.

Natsuki shrugs, following me to the machine. "How bad is it? Is Monika in trouble?"

I shake my head, putting money into the machine. "I fixed the situation. Monika was really just beating herself up over it after I snapped at her."

Natsuki makes her selection and pulls the can out, opening it. "She knew better."

"Well.. Justin might be a good distraction for her." I reply.

Natsuki nearly spits out her drink. "She is going on a date with Justin?!!"

I shrug. "I figure that was the general idea."

"Wow.. Just wow." Natsuki says, shaking her head.

"Why 'wow'?" I ask.

Natsuki chuckles. "He is like my distant cousin, but only by marriage. Romer is he is a horehound."

"Aren't most werewolves?" I ask, with a smirk.

Natsuki crosses her arms with a huff. "I'm not and neither is my dad." Natsuki slowly lowers her head. "In fact, he hasn't even tried to go on a date since mom passed away."

I put my hand on Natsuki's shoulder. "Monika can handle herself, I promise. As for your dad, true love is hard to find and even harder when you lose someone special." I ruffle Natsuki's hair. "I am sure your mother would be proud of you for being a good girl."

Natsuki glances back at me with an agitated face. "Jezz, could you talk to me anymore like I am a little kid?"

I smile. "But you are really not."

Natsuki blushes and looks away. "Ah.. thanks.. I guess."

I stand straight. "Besides, Monika knows I would have her back if Justin started any trouble."

Natsuki looks at me with a smirk. "Only if you could beat me to him."

I laugh. "That's the spirit."

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