Betrayal & Salvation

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I reluctantly walk down the hall in the direction Monika ran away. I am dreading this conversation. As I turn a corner another student runs past me in a rush. If I was any other person I would assume Monika had something to do with that. I follow the hallway to a staircase and then to the back door of the school. Walking out the door, Justin approaches with a smile. 

I am sighing so loudly inside.

"Hey man, what are you up to?" Justin asks, oblivious to the club issues.

"Actually.." I continue walking as Justin follows. "Monika is having a bad day, I am going to talk to her."

Justin looks concerned as I walk faster. "Let me tag along then. I am sure I can cheer Monika up!"

I stop and look at him for a moment then place my hands on his shoulders, happy tears rolling down my face. "You could be EXACTLY what I need!"

Justin looks at me with a blank expression of surprise. "Dude, I'm not gay."

I slap him swiftly. "FOR MONIKA, YOU ASS!!"

Justin silently follows me, regardless of glaring at me for slapping him. I guess I don't know my own strength. We walk out of the school and onto the football field, where we spot Monika sitting in the bleachers. She has her head buried in her knees and appears to be sobbing heavily. We slowly approach, to ensure she doesn't try to run off again. I set on the left of her and Justin set to her right.

"Monika.. we need to talk." I say, trying to be gentle but my voice came out gruff.

"Go away!" Monika sobs loudly. "I am nothing but a monster!"

Justin smiles. "Monika, we are all monsters."

Monika looks up at Justin, tears flooding out of her eyes. "Not in that regard, idiot! I.. I.." She drops her head, continuing to sob.

I sigh. "Look, Monika, I fixed what happened. Sayori is fine."

"Zero probably hates me!!!" Monika sobs.

"You promise me you will not try to make another human commit suicide and I will deal with everything else." I reply, gently rubbing her back.

Monika looks slightly up at me. "You.. promise?" She sniffs.

Justin stares at me, his eye widened at the thought that Monika might try to hurt a human.

I look at Justin with a look telling him to shut up. "I promise, Monika."

Monika leans over to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek, relaxing her sitting position. "Thank you." She whispers.

"I hate to ask..."

I roll my eyes. "I hate for you to ask too." I think to myself.

"Why did you.. enchant.. a human to kill themselves?" Justin asks.

Monika hangs her head. "Well.. I am kind of.. in love with her.. Zero. He has been immune to my charm, even though he is human. I found that very attractive. However, he has eyes for Sayori." Monika cruels her legs up again. "She was.. is my vice-president and a loyal friend, and I feel horrible that I have betrayed her today."

Justin leans back, looking up at the sky in thought. 

A few moments of silence pass, tempting me to say something, anything to break the tension.

Before I can say anything, Justin quickly leans forward, making Monika jump in surprise. "Would you go out with me?"

Monika raises her head. "Excuse me?"

Justin looks her in the eyes and calmly repeats himself. "Would you go out with me, Monika?"

Monika looks into his eyes, trying to determine whether or not he is joking. "But.. I basically broke a taboo law today by attacking a human!"

Justin shrugs. "I play football against humans, and I am much stronger and faster than them."

I raise my hand. "I.. drank Yuri's blood.. I didn't attack her though."

Monika looks between us.

"The point is.. we can keep a secret if you can keep ours's." I say with a smile.

Monika smiles warmly. "Of course I can keep a secret. You of all people know that."

"So, how about that date?" Justin asks.

Monika giggles. "Well, the weather is getting colder. I probably need a furry werewolf to keep me warm."

Justin smirks. "Nice try on playing it off, but that is still a yes."

Monika snaps her fingers. "Well darn, I guess I need to learn how to say no."

I chuckle to myself. "You two have fun, I have other business to see to."

Monika looks at me with a smirk. "Fufufu! Got yourself a date with Yuri I see."

I smile back at her as I walk away. "It is not a date."

"That is not how she sees it!" She shouts back.

I sigh, as I get out of sight. "I know." I mutter to myself, my heart racing faster than it has ever raced before. "What am I going to do?"

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