Club Meeting, Take Two

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As we walk into the club room, it is like I walked through a portal to another world. Natsuki and Yuri are talking about... something. Honestly, they are an odd pairing as is. On the other side of the room, I see Zero and Sayori. They seem to be having a light argument. I am surprised when Zero takes hold of Sayori's neck ribbon and proceeds to fix it. They are both blushing, Sayori looks away with a smile as Zero finishes up and steps back. 

"Better?" Zero asks.

"Ye.. yeah. Thanks, Zero." Sayori answers sweetly.

I can't help but laugh at the two of them. 

Monika seems less than amused, but she keeps a straight face. 

I look around the room as my senses begin to sharpen. I begin to notice the smells in the air. Natsuki... smells like rose shampoo covering a musk of sweat. Yuri.. I can smell the blood on her arm, but it doesn't bother me as it had days ago. Sayori.. oddly smells like tears, salty and unbridled. Has she been crying? Zero.. smells like axe body spray, looks like he is trying to make a good impression. And finally, Monika... I turn to look at her. Her heart is racing, but she looks so calm. 

"Are you okay?" I ask, out of pure concern.

Monika turns and starts walking to the front of the class. "I am fine."

I shrug and begin to head over to talk to Yuri, but as I approach Natsuki glares at me.

"Buzz off, Roman, today is my day with Yuri!" Natsuki gruffly barks.

Yuri smiles gently. "I did promise Natsuki a girls day, so we could get to know one another better. I hope you understand."

I smile. "I understand completely, sorry for intruding." I turn to walk away, but Natsuki leaps up and stops me.

She pulls me down to her level and whispers in my ear. "It really doesn't bother me, but I just feel like Yuri needs a gal friend.. You know what I am saying?"

I look at Natsuki, whose face is one of genuine concern. Is it possible she smelled the blood too? "You are fine, Natsuki. I am more than certain Yuri will benefit from having you as a friend."

Natsuki smiles wide. "Thanks, Roman." She hurries back over to Yuri.

I decide there is only one girl, in this room, that needs my attention today. I walk straight up to Monika, who seems to be deep in thought. "I was about to go to the vending machine, would you join me. Maybe some fresh air will help?"

Monika sighs and stands up. "Why not..."

She follows me out of the clubroom and around the corner. I buy her a drink and hand it to her.

"So.. want to talk about it?" I ask, leaning against the machine.

She pops open the soda and takes a quick gulp. "I... tried to..." She looks away ashamed. "I.. tried to seduce Zero yesterday..."

I stare at her, questioningly. "So?!"

She looks me in the eye. "It didn't work on him!"

I come off the machine, uprighting myself again. "But.. he is human.. I am sure of it."

Monika nods. "That is what I thought you would say.. I can't explain it, Roman.. but if my charm doesn't work on him, maybe it is possible to....." Her thought trails off as we hear footsteps coming from the clubroom. 

As we turn, Zero and Sayori come around the corner. 

Zero looks surprised. "Oh, I am sorry. We are not interrupting anything, are we?"

Monika sinks back, nervously.

I speak up quickly. "Not at all. We were just talking about some plans. What are you up to?"

Sayori looks nervously at Zero. "I.. uh.."

Zero interrupts her. "This dummy forgot her money at home, so I am buying her a drink."

Sayori quickly jumps. "EHH! Don't call me a dummy, you meanie!"

Monika looks worried, as her eyes dart between them. "Sayori..."

Sayori looks at Monika quickly. "..."

"How are you feeling?" Monika looks straight at her, when she asks this.

Sayori smile. "Partly cloudy with a chance of rain!"

Zero taps her on the back gently and laughs. "You are going to make a great weather announcer someday." He walks past me and gets her a soda and returns with it, as Monika and Sayori continue to stare at each other.

I feel like I am missing something, so I wait till Zero and Sayori leave to question Monika further. "That wasn't a weather report, was it?"

Monika shakes her head. "I have known for a while now, Sayori has chronic depression."

I look at her. "I was about to ask, I could smell the tears from earlier today."

Monika looks into my eyes, her eyes filled with tears. "I know I shouldn't be jealous of her, Roman. Zero is the best thing to happen to her. But... I want to know... I want to know if he really is immune to my charm."

I cross my arms. "I would say, do what you want.. but tread lightly around Sayori."

Monika hangs her head. "I really don't want to hurt any of my friends... But I have to know if true love is out there for me! You DO understand, right?!"

I nod. "I understand more than you know.."

Monika starts to turn away but looks back at me. "Promise you will let me know if I step out of line, please?!"

 I nod with a smile. "I will be there for you, don't worry."

As she walks away, back to the clubroom, I can not help but feel as if I signed up for more than I bargained for. But what came next would be more surprising than the revelations involved within this club. 

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