Interview with a......

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I sigh and reluctantly follow Monika back to the clubroom, where a currier has arrived with a message from the Principle, himself. Strange that he didn't choose to discuss this with me first. 

The currier hands Monika the letter and leaves as quickly as he came. 

Monika opens the letter and reads it over, then hands it quickly to me. 

I read it to myself. "Dear President of the Literature Club, This is an official request for your club to help our school newspaper. Your first assignment will be to interview the football team. Tread lightly. -Principle Victor"

Monika looks at me. "This was the LAST thing I wanted to hear today."

I look at the letter and then back at her. "Do you want me to handle it for you?"

Monika shrugs. "Might as well get it over with. Natsuki, would you like to join us?"

Natsuki looks up from a book, Yuri was showing her. "Where are we going?"

Monika sighs. "Down to the football field."

Natsuki looks blankly at Monika. "Do you REALLY need me?"

Monika looks back at her. "I would appreciate your company, you know how I get along with the cheerleaders."

Natsuki scoffs. "Stuck up bitches. Fine.. If it will make you feel better."

Yuri looks away. "I think I might head home, then. I do not like the cheerleaders, nor do I will to be in their company."

Monika smiles. "I do not blame you.. I wouldn't be doing this if I had a choice."

Zero and Sayori look at each other. 

Zero speaks up. "Want me to walk you home?"

Sayori blushes. "Sure.. that would be nice."

Monika holds out her hand as they leave, but I put my hand on her shoulder. "You always have tomorrow."

Monika nods sadly as we head for the football field. 

Natsuki walks beside Monika. "So, Roman, who do you have the hots for?"

I look at her questioningly. "How do you know it is not you?"

Natsuki laughs. "I am bearable but hardly girlfriend material!"

I smile. "You give yourself far too little credit."

Monika smiles. "Don't let him fool you, Natsuki, he is quite the ladies' man."

Natsuki laughs. "Yeah, a real charmer!"

I shrug. "I would take the compliment, but I am not worthy of such praise."

Monika dances into my path. "Oh, why so modest? Is it possible you DO have eyes for someone in the club?"

I smile. "I will never tell."

they two of them laugh, but the laughter dies down as we approach the football field. A couple of the cheerleaders quickly take notice of our approach and head quickly in our direction.

Monika sighs. "Here we go..."

Three cheerleaders stand in our way, the one with long blond hair addresses Monika.

Cheerleader captain- "Well well well! If it isn't Betty and Todo. What brings you two out this way?"

Natsuki starts to speak, but Monika stops her. "We were asked, by the Principle, to interview the football team for the school newspaper."

The cheerleaders laugh. 

Cheerleader #2- "Nerds will be nerds!"

Cheerleader #3- "At least they are doing something useful, besides being shut-in neets!"

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