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The following is a report, issued to my personal chief of records.

In the years preceding graduation, Monika was true to her word, doing everything she could to be a good friend, a good aunt, and a responsible member of the high school. And, although Sayori and Zero continued to grow closer, she never once attempted to break them up, even going as far as buying them tickets to an amusement park, for their anniversary. She never allowed me to see it clearly, but every so often I got a glimpse, out of the corner of my eye, of her staring at the floor with a sad expression. I would often reassure her that she was taking the correct path because I knew someone special would be joining us, once the college opened. 


Monika would always smile and say, "I know. I can wait." She would then gently elbow me. "He will have to be pretty special to top the men currently in my life!"

Ah, Monika. Always trying to put a smile on someone else's face.

Sayori, as you no doubt have guessed, never committed suicide, and does not yet know of the existence of monsters. Instead, she has gone on to encourage others, going through depression, to stand up and talk about their problems instead of hiding them away. She even started her own weekend school club, focused on the betterment of mental health, sponsored by Hitomi and her associates. Zero, of course, supported her wholeheartedly, going as far as being there for some of the meetings. We all, also, have done our best to support our vice president. Natsuki even made cupcakes for the meetings. 

Zero's POV:

"You should consider becoming a psychiatrist, Sayori."

Sayori laughs. "Nah, I'm not smart enough for that!"

Zero moves closer, looking her in the eyes. "If you can accomplish this much, you can go further. If you doubt yourself, then believe in the Sayori that I believe you to be."

Sayori smiles with a slight blush. "Hehe. Thanks, Zero!"

Yuri.. what can I say, I am madly in love with her. Yuri continued to move forward from her old habits, focusing almost all her energy into building human, monster relations. This earned her the ambassador award, given to those true individuals that seek unity and peace over division. Her efforts eventually lead to her introduction to every single monster in the school. Having read my research on monsters, she got along with them swimmingly. As far as the possibility of turning her, she insisted on finishing college before making such a life-changing decision.

Natsuki, having made new friends, introduced all of us to her father. At first, for the first three seconds, he had a gruff expression.. until we realized we knew each other from years back. This familiarity and the closeness of Natsuki and her friends lead her father to allow her more freedom, without having to constantly fear for his little girl's safety. With this newfound freedom, Natsuki spent more time with her aunt and friends, even stopping by to talk about manga with me every so often. She even began to open up quicker to strangers, which lead her to aid Yuri in her relation-building efforts. Furthermore, not wanting to be left behind a year, she took on advanced classes, rocketing her ahead a year, so she could graduate with the others. I probably should have mentioned this, but this was not the first time Natsuki had moved ahead. Her father had been very diligent, encouraging her studies and even helping her with homework. The second to last year of middle school, the teachers realized Natsuki's education was at a high school level, and even recommended she submit her application with us. 

As far as Justin and the football team are concerned, a full investigation ensued, resulting in Justin being expelled. Having lost their pack leader, the football team sought out Monika for answers, as she was the last to challenge and beat their former leader. Monika, of course, put them though hellish drills to determine the next leader of the pack, ending with a young man named Steven winning the honor. The cheerleaders also fervently apologized to Monika, for their behavior, explaining that it had been Justin's order.

Monika's POV:

"You know.. we have a spot on the cheerleading quad.. if you are interested."

Monika smiles. "I would, but I am already too busy to commit to such an obligation."

Steven steps forward. "Then, will we see you at any of our games?"

Monika pats him gently on a now sore shoulder. "I am invested in you and the future of your pack now, so of course I am going to cheer you on when I can."

Frank received his new "additions" to his brain, courtesy of Dr. Frederick Frankenstein, the dearly departed Dr. Henry Frankenstein's son. Frederick had long been in and out of my employment and was more than willing to give Frank an opportunity to reconnect with humanity. With a slight paranormal makeover, from Eunice, Frank was ready for his new position as Professor Frankenstein. 

And now we stand, on the eve of graduation. I am preparing a speech and to hand out all the diplomas, welcoming each student, personally, into the college. I find myself feeling pride for the first time in a long time. I can not wait to see how my students continue to grow.

Sincerely, Roman O. Dracul. 

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