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After a detailed discussion, I leave Victor and Eunice, making my way to the club room. After opening the door, I find the occupants to be grom and silent. I walk in, noticing that Monika is not in the room. I head straight for Natsuki.

"Hey, where is Monika?"

Natsuki looks up from her manga. "She text me, said she was feeling under the weather and was going to be staying home today."

"Would it be awkward to ask you for her number?"

Natsuki closes her manga and looks straight at me. "You took care of Monika last night, right?"

"How did you know about that?" 

Natsuki stares at me blankly. "Monika told me, duh!"

"Oh.. right. Yes, I sorted things out as best as I could, that late at night."

"And Justin?" Natsuki asks, with a glare.

"He got his ass handed to him. I doubt he will be an issue again, and if he is I will deal with him and his parents personally." 

Natsuki slowly gets up and walks over to Yuri. I follow.

"Yuri, you have that phone for Roman, right?"

Yuri looks up in surprise. "H.. how did you know about that?!"

Natsuki turns and winks at me. "Roman told me. He needs Monika's number and I don't have a pin."

Yuri looks at me, slightly annoyed.

"School business, I assure you." I smile.

Yuri reaches into her bag and pulls out the phone, a modest touch screen, and hands it to me. "I was hoping to give this to you later.. when we were alone.."

"Then I can explain myself in turn, deal?" I ask.

Yuri smiles. "That.. would be nice of you..." She becomes nervous quickly. "But really unnecessary! I.. trust you."

I lean down and plant a kiss on her forehead, as she turns bright red. "Thank you." I whisper. I then hand the phone to Natsuki so she can put Monika's number in it.

Natsuki quickly completes the task and hands it back. "Just so you know, I put mine, Zero's, and Sayori's numbers in there, just in case of any school emergencies."

I look down at the phone and back at her. "How did you do all that in such a short time?!"

Natsuki smiles wide. "Don't forget I am basically a genius when it comes to math and computers."

I chuckle. "I keep forgetting numbers are your thing. Thanks."

"No prob!" Natsuki says, returning to the closet.

Yuri lightly stretches her arm and returns to reading.

I move to look over her shoulder, putting my hands on the back of her chair. "You almost have that whole book read."

Yuri nods, with a smile. "I am looking forward to your recommendation for the next book."

I lean forward slightly to whisper in her ear. "I have more than a recommendation for you."

Yuri cuts her eyes slightly. "You mean that surprise, correct?"


Yuri turns her head and quickly peeks me on the cheek. "Later, okay?"

"Okay." I chuckle, as I walk away. She really gets deep into that book. 

I approach Zero, dreading what comes next. 

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