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"You know you don't have to right?" I asked and I smiled and pushed me a bit as I smiled.

"Cameron still asleep when you got there?" He asked as we walked to the kicthen. "Yep" I nodded and he shrugged.

"Went over to crackhead land and they were still sleeping at noon" he shook his head as I sat down and he leaned in the counter.

"Yea well. There in a comfy life style." I shrugged. "You are too" he pointed at me and I shook my head. "Well not for the next 5 months but in between that and then we are gonna take you on one hell of a ride kid" he spoke and I smiled.

"Thanks Ryan" I smiled and Sam stumbled from his room and rubbed his eyes.

"Good morning" I smiled and Sam looked up at me. "Its still morning" he groaned and he turned around and went back to his bed room. Ryan laughed and he clapped his hands together.

"Party. Saturday. There will be a limo at the boys house at 9. Your job is to round them all up. Get them dressed and then into the car." He told me and I smiled and nodded.

"Sober" he said and my jaw dropped. "What? Sober?" I scoffed and smiled and he put his hands up and nodded.

"Yea sober. No weed no drinks. Should be simple. . .enough" he shrugged and I shook my head.

"Alright then" I stood up and he nodded. "Home?" He asked and I nodded. "Probably need some sleep for school" I told him.

"You are my favorite child" he told me as I walked out. I walked to the boys house and I knocked.

"Its open!" I heard Eric call. "Unless it's the girl scouts. Then stay out!" He called and I laughed and walked in. "I don't want any thin mints!" Eric yelled and I laughed.

"Bee" he smiled as I walked in. "Why do you hate the girl scouts?" I asked him and he shuttered.

"Have a good day at school?" He asked me and I nodded. "Yea. Yea. Great. Great day" I nodded. "That. That's. Good. Good day" he mocked and I punched him. "Ow" he frowned.

"You cant touch that stuff" Matt shouted and pushed Mason from his room.

"Bee!" Mason said with excitement and he walked over. "Were you touching Matt's dragon dilos again?" Eric asked Mason and Mason smiled.

"His what?" I asked and Eric covered my ears for a second and smiled. "How was school?" Mason asked and looked at me. "It was fine" I smiled and he nodded.

"That's good. I was editing a video today. Do you think you could help me put some subtitles on there. With all the stuff" he wiggled his fingers and I laughed and nodded.

"I'll order pizza" Eric called and Mason and I went up stairs and I sat down. "This one. I got 2 minutes in and I dont know if its cut up right or funny" he sighed and i waved him off.

"Oh Mason. I'll tell you if it's not funny" I spoke and he smiled. "Cool" he nodded and stood up.

"I'll tell you when the pizzas here" he pointed at me and I nodded. I put on his head phones and I started to watch the video. It was really funny. I did the subtitles and it was good.

I looked down at my phone. I had spent like 30 minutes on it. The pizza should be here. I walked down stairs and I saw all the guys sitting on the couch. Eating pizza.

"Wow" I crossed my arms and they all jumped and looked at me. "I told you to go get her" Eric smacked Mason on the head and he scoffed.

"I did. I called in and she didn't answer" Mason raised his hands. "Dumby. She had headphones on you said she was helping you" Toby shook her head and I smiled and sat down on the couch between Jay and Matt and grabbed a piece of pizza.

"You guys wanna do somthing tomorrow night?" I asked them and they all looked at me. "Like what?" Jay asked. "We could go out to dinner" I shrugged.

"What time though?" Eric asked and I laughed. "Whatever time. Have a couple drinks here and by like 9 we could leave after" I shrugged and they all looked at me then at each other.

"Told you she was a keeper" Mason shrugged and we laughed for a second. "So dinner. Saturday. At 9. Meet here. Drinks then food. At 9" I said and they all nodded.

"Yea yea. Sounds good. Nothing to fancy right?" Cameron asked and I shook my head. "No no. Casual party like dinner" I shrugged. "Party?" Matt asked confused.

"Party like. Means were gonna get . .messed up here then go out and do somthing" I shrugged.

"What really? You wanna do that?" Eric asked and I shrugged and nodded. "Sure why not?" I spoke and they all shrugged and agreed.

"But we all have to be here at 8:45" I spoke. "I thought you said 9?" Mason scrunched his eye brows. "8:30. Were all gonna be here at 8:30" I spoke and I stood up.

"Mason shut up" Jay spoke and hit him. "Ow" Mason rubbed his arm. "Ok 8:30. Got it" Cameron spoke and smiled.

"I think I'm gonna go home" I spoke and yawned. "What? Why?" Toby asked me and I shrugged. "Tired and i've got school tomorrow" I shrugged and Cameron stood up.

"Ill drive you home" Cam burped. "How about an uber?" Jay asked and held up his phone. "That one yeah" Cameron smiled and he sat back down.

Jay called us an uber and Cameron and I walked outside and we got in to the car. We drove home and we both got out. We got inside and I shut the door.

"Good night" Cameron spoke. "Night" I replied as we walked to our rooms. "Dont forget an alarm!" He called and I laughed and walked in my door and shut it closed. I got changed and I laid on my bed with my phone. My eyes got heavy and I let myself drift into sleep.

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