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I got home and paid the guy and then walked up the steps and unlocked the door. I locked it and I ran and got changed cause it was kinda cold out.

I walked out the door and locked it then I started to walk down the dark sidewalks to the park. I saw his car and he was sitting on one of the swings. I smiled and walked over and sat next to him on the other one.

We swung back and forth and he grabbed my hand and held it as we swung. "How was your day?" He asked and looked over at me but I looked at the ground.

"Pretty good. Did some baking" I told him and he smiled. "Then I hung out with the boys and the Stella and them" I told him and he grinned again.

"What about you?" I asked and he looked at the ground. "School. Saw one of my buddies that I hadn't seen in forever and we talked about some uh. Stuff and he really got me thinkin" Levi nodded.

"Oh yeah. Sounds like a good friend" I told him. "He is, and he gave me the push that I really needed but now that I'm here with you my heart is in my throat" he told me and I looked at him.

"Well what did you guys talk about?" I asked him. "My buddy has this girlfriend. She is. Wooh" he spoke and I pushed him as he laughed.

"She is the best thing that ever happened to him, and he wants her to know that" he tilted his head. "My friend had wanted to ask her a question for awhile, but some things came up and he doesn't know if shes ready or not" he explained.

It was quiet and he looked me in the eyes. "Last night before everything went to shit I was gonna ask you somthing" he told me and took a deep breath. My heart started to race and he looked back down at the ground.

"What happened to your friend?" I asked him. "Well I told him he needs to get off his sorry ass and ask the girl to marry him. He needed to grow a pair and make sure he knew what things were good in his life, and that he should never let that happiness go" he nodded and I smiled.

"Also said that if I don't ask he was gonna kick my ass" he chuckled and I smiled. He turned in his swing and got up and got on one knee in front of me. He grabbed both my hands and I was close to crying now.

"Beatrix Miller" his voice broke as he looked up at me with tears in his eyes. I quickly wiped my eyes and he chuckled a little and reached in his pocket.

"Will you marry me?" He asked and pulled outta ring pop. "Oh shit that's for later" he sniffed and put that back in his pocket for later as I smiled.

"Will you please make me the happiest man alive and be my wife?" He asked and opened a little box and inside was a ring. I nodded as more tears fell down my face.

"Yes" I gasped out and he smiled. "Yes?" He asked and I nodded. "Yes yes. I will marry you" I spoke and I tackled him to the grass and we both laughed. I kissed his lips and he held me close to him.

"Of course I will marry you" I told him and he rolled us over and he bent down and kissed my lips. He grabbed my left hand and slid the ring on my finger and he leaned down and kissed me again.

I put my hands in his jacket and he was pulling my hoodie off as our faces were still connected.
We laid in the back seat of his car covered by a blanket and he held me close to him as we breathed. I rolled over and I looked at him staring at the celing. He turned his head and looked at me with a smile.

"Are you gonna remember this in the morning?" He asked me and I nodded. "I'm not that drunk" I told him and he kissed the top of my hand and looked in to my eyes.

"Please tell me this is forever" he spoke and I scooted close to him. "For as long as we both shall live" I kissed his lips and he kissed me back. We laid there and I saw the sun start to come up.

"What do you have to do today?" He asked me and I shrugged. "Not sure. I definitely have to call Stella and check on all the guys. You?" I asked and looked at him.

"Work. Told Tommy I would cover for him too. Damn" he sighed and I turned his face towards me and kissed his lips. I got on top of him and I kissed his cheek down to his jaw line and on his neck. He moaned a little bit and his hands were on my wasit.

"Wanna go again?" I asked and he laughed and sat up. "I really do have to go" he frowned and I nodded. "I'll call you" I spoke and started to get my clothes. We got dressed and he drove me back home. It was like 5 in the morning and he told me to get some rest.

"I love you honey bee" he told me and leaned over and kissed me. "I love you too" I spoke and we both smiled. I got out of his car and walked inside as he drove off. I smiled in eternal bliss and walked to my room.

I laid in my bed and I did a little dance. I got comfy and I shut my eyes. Married to Levi Martin. I gotta tell Stella. And the boys. I wonder what they are gonna say. I smiled and thoughts roamed around in my head and I fell asleep.

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