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I woke up and I opened my eyes. It was still light outside and and I grabbed my phone. 3:10pm. Oh great. This is what time I usually wake up.

I got outta bed and I felt a little groggy. I wandered in to the kitchen and I saw Cameron passed out on the couch.

I smiled and I got some chips and I tiptoed back to my room. I set the chips down as I saw my sketch book. I smiled as I picked it up and I walked back out to the living room. I sat in a chair and I looked at Cameron sleeping before I started to draw him.

I drew for almost an hour and I was looking down at my drawing. I nodded and looked back up at Cam who had sat up and opened his eyes.

"Well good morning" I told him and he rubbed his eyes like a child and looked at me with squinty eyes.

"Are you hungry?" He asked me and I nodded. "Wanna go have dinner?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'll call the guys" he told me and stood up. I chuckled and I showered and got dressed and Cameron was in the living room.

"Goin over to the crack house and then out to dinner" he told me and I nodded. We drove over and got everyone in some cars and drove to a restaurant that the guys said was so good.

We got there and we ordered drinks and then our food. "Today was great" Mason spoke and held his beer up. "Yes it was" I clinked my glass to his and all the guys did the same.

"3 months ago you moved up here but I swear it feels like a life time" Toby smiled at me and I blushed.

"Oh stop" I waved him off and they all chuckled. "And another thing" Ryan cleared his throat. "We decided on where were going for your break" Ryan told me and I smiled and got excited.

"Oh where?" I asked them and looked around. "We can't tell you" Eric shook his head and I frowned.

"Why not? Is it somewhere bad? I am not going to a strip club" I said and pointed at all of them.

"No no. Its gonna be a surprise" Ryan spoke. "Hey I don't know where were going either" Mason pointed at me and I smiled.

"Cause you can't keep your mouth shut" Jay shrugged. "Can too" Mason said and he closed his mouth. "You both are so stupid" Eric shook his head and we laughed.

We ate our food and it was getting kinda late as we all walked out. "See you lads tomorrow" Cameron spoke and we all waved as we got into our cars.

Cam and I drove home and we walked into the house. "Good night Bee. School tomorrow" he told me and I nodded.

"Night Cam. Work tomorrow" I told him and he chuckled. I walked into my room and I shut the door. I got undressed and I was looking through my drawer and I felt an arm go around my waist, and a hand when over my mouth.

I gasped and I tried to wiggle as my heart pounded. I was going to scream but then I heard his voice.

"Its just me. it's just me" I heard Levi said quietly and I stopped as he let go and I turned around.

"I'm sorry" he chuckled and I hit his arm. "Ow" he rubbed his arm and put out his bottom lip.

"How the hell did you get in here?' I whispered and he smiled. "Well I drove you home and I watched you climb through the window" he spoke quietly and then chuckled.

"I saw you drive off" I whispered again and he shrugged. "Drove back around" he told me and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you serious?" I asked and he nodded and wrapped his hands around my waist. "You are crazy" I told him and put my hands on his chest.

"I'm your type of crazy though right?" He asked and winked at me. I looked at him and I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Fine" I said and he kissed me and I turned my head.

"What? What was that?" He asked and frowned. "I said fine" I told him and put my hands up as I stepped away from him.

"Oh come on" he spoke and I smiled. "If anyone finds you in here-" "They wont" he told me and cupped my face.

"We gotta be quiet" I told him and he kissed me and I smiled. He licked his lips and he dragged me to my bed.

"Lay with me" he spoke and we laid down in my bed. We got under the covers and he wrapped his arms around my torso and I squeaked as he pulled me to his warm body.

I had never done this before and I didnt know what to do with my arms or my legs.

"Why are you so stiff. Relax Bee. I'm not gotta attack you" he told me and I sighed and rolled over to face him.

"I'm sorry I just. I don't know how todo this" I told him and he smirked. "Do what?" He asked.

"I've never had a-" I stopped and he looked at me. "No one has ever kissed me or laid in my bed with me. I'm a little nervous, and it's weird" I shrugged and he nodded and kissed my head.

"Its ok. I'll teach you" he spoke and pulled me close. He tangled our legs together and I put my head on his chest and closed my eyes.

"Good night honey Bee" he spoke and I smiled and I felt calm and safe in his arms. I kept my eyes shut and I fell asleep.


I woke up to my alarm going off and I groaned and felt around my bed. I opened my eyes and Levi was gone. I sighed and turned off my alarm. I heard my phone buzz and I reached over and grabbed it. Text from Levi.

Levi: Hey sorry to dip outta there. Didn't wanna get caught. Have a great day at school. :) I'm glad I came over.

Me: I'm glad you came over too. 😁

I clicked off my phone and I got ready for school. I walked out and Cameron was sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee.

His head was leaned back and it looked like he was sleeping. I smiled and I walked over and grabbed the cup and put it on the table before I quietly left.

I walked to the bus stop and I stood there. I got on the bus and then when I got to school all hell broke loose. The people talking about me had gotten worse.

Everyone always stared and pointed and laughed. Me having sex with so and so. Me giving people such and such STD's. How I try and sleep with everyone and it was sick.

People would call me names and laugh. I just held my head up and I got to class and I did my work. I sat alone at lunch and I read a book.

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