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He handed me a glass and I nodded. "Thank you" I spoke and put it on the table.

"No your meant to drink it" he chuckled and I scrunched my nose and looked at the glass.

"Its water isn't it?" I asked and he nodded. "Will you make me some food?" I asked him. "Ok but you gotta drink that" he told me and I nodded. I grabbed the glass as he walked away.

"You gotta drink that" I mocked when he walked away and Eric and I started to laugh. "I heard that" Ryan called and we both snickered a little bit.

I sat there for a while and Ryan brought me a grilled cheese. I gasped as he handed it to me and Eric crossed his arms.

"You didn't make me one?" Eric asked and I looked down at the bread and cheese. "Do I look like your mother" Ryan asked him. "Sort of" Eric started to laughed and I laughed with him.

"Jackass" Ryan rolled his eyes and walked off. We both laughed and after a second we were both eating half the grilled cheese.

"Oi cunts" Mason walked in front of us and I looked up at him. "Fucks goin on down here?" Mason asked and I started to laugh.

"Fucks goin on down here" I mocked Mason and laughed with Eric. "Bee" Mason scrunched his eye brows and I covered my mouth as I giggled.

"You're higher than a kite" he stated and I giggled and nodded a bit and he started to smile. "Oh my god. I'm sorry Mason" I laughed and he shook his head.

"Don't be mad" I told him and breathed. He walked off and Eric and I looked at each other.

"Fucks goin on down here" I mocked Mason quietly and we both laughed again. I sat there for a while longer and Eric had gotten up by this point. I felt my phone buzz. From the group chat.

Cam: Bee you want me to get you??

Ryan: she is fried. Carful she starts to mock you.

Mason: yea she does. :(

Me: I'm really sirry about that guys. . . . ..

Cam: Lol. I'll be there in a bit.

Jay: I'll get her up.

Me: no way jayy. I'm sitting right here.

Cam: Thank you.

Toby:The subject has become hostile

Ryan: Carful Toby she might bite.

Me: The subJeCt haS beCome HosTILE

Mason: Dude.

Me: ok I'm sorry that's the last one. :D

Jay: I'm coming down stairs now. Bee get ready.

Me: Fuck off cunt!

I stopped and my fingers hovered above the key bored and my heart went from happy to on the floor. "Crap" I whispered and I saw the three dots come up at the bottom.

Eric: No more for the high school student. .

Mason: She said it! She said it! We have proof!!

Cam: I'm 3 minutes away.

Matt: I clicked on here at the right time ig

Toby: We've been attacked. Jay, is bleeding out. We need back up now!!

"Hey Bee" I heard Jay and I looked up from my phone. "Jay" I spoke and I was really worried. "I'm sorry" I told him and stood up. "I am really really sorry" I gushed and he smiled.

"Its ok Bee." He laughed a little bit and I shook my head. "I'm really sorry I didn't mean it Jay" I shook my head and my throat got tight.

"Oh Bee. I'm not gonna yell at you" he spoke and wrapped his arms around me. "Really?" I asked and he chuckled and rubbed my back.

"We all make fun of each other remember?" He asked and I sniffed and we looked at each other.

"I called you a. A word and told you to F off." I spoke and he grabbed my shoulders. "If I didn't hear those exact same words at least 10 times a day I would be worried" he smiled and I smiled and we both laughed.

"I'm really stoned" I looked at the ground and he smiled and nodded. "Yea. You are" he said and I smiled as I looked back up at him.

"Bee!" Cameron called and I heard the front door close. "In here" Jay spoke and we turned to the door. "There's my weed smoking, cussing daughter" Cameron smiled and walked up to me.

"Jay I'm really sorry" I told him and he laughed again. "It was nothing. Go home and go to bed" Jay smiled and I nodded.

"Can you walk?" Cam asked me and I squinted at him. I took a step and looked at him. "Yea I'm good" I told him and I started to walk and I ran in to a table thing and hit my knee.

"Uh fuck" I leaned over and I felt hands on my shoulders. "Ok maybe not" Cameron chuckled.

"I hurt my knee" I frowned. "Ok come on we'll go to the hospital in the morning" he nodded and I nodded. We got to the door and I stopped.

"Oh Jay" I called and saw Cameron and Jay standing there. "I am sorry. Tell Ryan and Mason I'm sorry too please" I told him and again he just smiled.

"Its ok and I will" he agreed and I put my thumb up and Cam and I walked out. We got into his car and we drove home. We both got out and I was feeling less of a buzz now.

"Good night" he told me as I started to walk to my room. "Good night" I smiled and I walked to my room and closed the door. I got in to comfy clothes and laid down in bed. In no time I was asleep.


Thursday school. Arguably one of the best school days of the week. . . I heard my alarm go off and I smacked my hand on top of it and sat up.

I groaned as I got outta bed. I walked into the kitchen and Cameron sat there with messy hair drinking a cup of coffee.

"Hey kiddo. How did you sleep?" He asked and looked up at me. I nodded and shrugged. "Feel like shit?" He asked me and I nodded again.

"Go get dressed" he chuckled and I walked back to my room and took a shower then got dressed.

"Have a good day at school" he told me and I smiled and walked outside and to the bus stop. I stood there and the bus rocked up. I got on and then I got to school.

I was sitting in math and it was so freakin boring. I heard the intercom click on and the teacher was quiet.

"I need Beatrix Bradford to sign out please." The lady spoke and everyone looked at me.

"Go on. Come to me in the morning if you have questions" my teacher told me and I nodded and smiled as I stood up. I walked to the office and saw Cameron standing there.

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