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"Hey horny Bee" Some super senior came up to me and I looked at him.

"What Josh?" I asked him and sighed. "We can do it in my car after school if you want" he whispered and I scrunched my eye brows.

"If some one is ever unfortunate enough to breed with you I will cry for them" I spoke and his stupid smirk fell off of his face.

"Oh come on. You do it with everyone" he spoke and wiggled his eye brows. "No I don't. Grace was mad because she tried to touch one of my friends and I had to get a restraining order saying she couldn't be 100 feet of my house" I told him and I covered my mouth right after.

"What?" He asked shocked and laughed. "Grace? That's crazy!" He got up and ran over to his friends.

"Dang it" I sighed and I read my book. Lunch ended and somehow I made it to last period. The class ended and I walked outside to the buses.

"My arm was grabbed and I stumbled a little. "You little bitch" Grace had my arm in her small hand. I smiled and I pulled away from her.

"Hi Grace. Is there something you need?" I asked calmly and she stomped her foot.

"You told Josh about the thing about your house. And those sexy boys" she awed and then got mad again.

"Well I'm not the one who started it" I told her and she scoffed. "Bee has Aids. Bee sleeps with everyone. Bee has done it with everyone every" I crossed my arms and she clenched her fists.

"Oh you slut. All I wanted was to touch your super hot boy toys. We could have shared" she stomped her foot again.

"Shared?" I asked grossed out. "Mason and Matt are mine" she spoke and I shook my head, and laughed a little bit.

"You are crazy" I told her and I went to walk away. "No. I want them!" She screeched me I walked away. I turned around and she had her arms crossed and a pout on her stupid face.

"You can't have everything you want" I told her and she gasped. "Can so. Daddy bought me a mustang just the other month" She told me.

"Good luck with that Tracy" I spoke. "Its Grace!" She screamed and I smiled and looked at her.

"Oh sorry I thought it was peaked in highschool" I told her and she gasped again and ran off. I smiled and shook my head and I saw the buses driving off.

"No no no!" I yelled and I ran after them but it didn't stop. "Damnit" I sighed and threw my head back then covered my mouth.

"Shoot" I sighed and pulled out my phone. I was about to call Cameron to pick me up but then he would wanna know why I missed the bus. I couldn't tell him I was fighting. So I called the next logical person.

Levi rolled up in his car and his windows were rolled down. "Hey there honey Bee. Need a lift to the hive?" He smirked and I walked over and got in his car.

"Thank you so much for picking me up. The stupid bus drove away with out me" I sighed and he chuckled as we started to drive.

He took me home and dropped me off a block away. We sat there for a second and I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you again" I told him and he nodded. "Anytime" he smiled and I stepped out of the car. I closed the door and he drove off as I walked down the sidewalk. I got home and I walked in the door.

"Bee!?" Cameron called from his room. "Yea just me" I yelled back and he walked out of his room and he smiled at me.

"Hey. How was your day?" He asked me and I smiled as I looked at him. "Good. This and that" I shrugged and he nodded.

"What happened?" He scrunched his eye brows and I shrugged and shook my head. "Nothin." I spoke and I sat down on the couch.

"Next week is spring break" he sat down next to me. "You've got until the next next Tuesday cause the teachers have a thing on Monday" he told me and I smiled.

"Good. I wanna sleep in so bad" I streached and he smiled. "Wanna do somthing?" He asked me and we looked at each other.

"Dont you have a video to put out?" I asked him and he sighed. "Yea I just got a little bit of editing then up it goes" he smiled.

"Ok. What do you wanna do?" I asked him and he jumped up. "Go change and then come back out" he pointed at me and he ran off.

I smiled and walked to my room. Sweatpants. Hoodie. Then I walked back out and there were blankets on the ground and cushions.

"Wait!" He called and he put his hand over my eyes. "Cameron" I put my hands up as he pulled me.

"Hold on. I wasnt ready" he spoke and he took his hand off my eyes and I saw the bathroom.

"Just stay in here for a second" he told me and I turned around and the door was shut. I grabbed my phone and texted the group chat.

Me: Cameron locked me in the bathroom.

Toby: Huh? Why?

Jay: Why?

Me: ?

Cam: I did NOT lock you in there I'm getting stuff ready.

Mason: Were coming to save youuu

Matt: How was school?


Me: well can I come out?

Me: and school was good. :D

Cam: No I'm not done.

Eric: We will be over in a bit.

I smiled as I clicked off and I sat on the side of the tub. A few minutes later I heard the front door open and then the bathroom door opened. Mason and Jay walked in and shut the door behind them.

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