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"Bee. Put that on. Its freezing. I can see your nipples through your shirt" he chuckled and I looked at him.

"Are you not wearing a bra?" He asked and I shook my head. I was speechless, and so scared.

"You ok Bee? Put that on" he told me and pointed to the hoodie. "I want-" I spoke and stopped suddenly.

"What? You want the one I have on?" He asked and I shook my head. "No I want-" my voice whispered. I glanced at him and cleared my throat.

"You" I spoke and I looked down. I was now very nervous and it was quiet.

"I'm right here" he told me and I looked up and he smiled at me. "No like. I want" I covered my face with my hands and it was hard to breath.

"Bee. Bee no" he spoke quietly and chuckled a little bit. "Bee. Don't cry. I know what you mean" he told me and held my wrists gently.

I put my hands down and looked at him. His hands went over mine and he had turned to look at me.

"Sex" he spoke and my faced turned red and I looked away from him. "No it's ok. Don't be embarrassed" he assured me and now I did feel like crying. I was such a child.

"Bee. Honey Bee. I know what you're thinking. I already know" he told me and I looked up at him and I had a knot in my throat and a tear rolled down my cheek.

"You don't know" I told him sadly and he grabbed my hands. "I do. I do. You saw me and said damn." He spoke and I laughed a little bit.

"You said I hope I can keep up with this man. He is so sexy and so-" I smiled and hit his hand. He chuckled a bit and he looked at me.

"But I was thinking the same thing." He told me and held one of my hands in both of his.

"I was thinking I have to do everything right so this girl. This woman who is so full of light and all good shit-" he laughed and squeezed my hand.

"Could possibly see anything in me" he told me and I wiped my eyes. "I know your not ready for. Sex. But-" he spoke and I smiled again.

"But I also know you are scared of loosing me. And I'm telling you it's never gonna happen. You are stuck with me" he shrugged and I scooted closer to him as he wrapped his arms around me.

"You bought the most wacky lamp and now your stuck with it cause you lost the recipe" he told me and we both laughed.

"Good. You are the best lookin lamp around" I spoke and he chuckled and rubbed his hand on my arm. It was quiet and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Hey Bee" he spoke and reached over me. "You really need to put this hoodie on cause you could catch a cold" he told me and started to put my arms though the sleeves.

I sat up and laughed as I gladly put it on. I curled up beside him and he wrapped his arms around me again. We sat there for what seemed like for ever and I felt safe.

For the first time in a while a close body was a good thing. He drove me close to the house and we parked and he walked me to the house where my window was.

I opened it and he grabbed my hand. "We could do it right here" he spoke and my heart dropped.

"I'm joking. I'm joking" he whispered and he held my hand. "Have a wonderful night" he spoke and kissed my hand.

I was flushed red and I climbed in my window. I kneeled down by the window and he stood there.

"Good night" I told him and smiled. He kissed my lips. "On the porch" he spoke and I smacked him lightly and backed up and smiled.

"No no. When Cameron got home. I was gonna tell you somthing" he told me and I looked at him.

"What?" I asked him and his lips were parted as he looked in to my eyes. "That I-" he trailed off and I kissed his lips. I backed up and kept my eyes closed.

"I know what you mean. Me too" I told him and I opened my eyes and he was still close to my face.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Bright and early" he smiled and pecked my cheek with a kiss and backed up a step.

"Bright and early" I repeated and he nodded and turned around and walked out. He gave me a few glances and he winked at me before he turned the corner.

I smiled and I closed my window and I crawled into bed. Feeling happy as a clam. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I woke up to the deafening sound of my alarm. I groaned and smacked it with my hand. It slid off and fell to the ground and it was still beeping.

"Fuck" I groaned and I tried to roll to the edge of my bed and try to reach it. I tipped over and fell off my bed and landed on anything.

"Ow" I wined and I crawled over and yanked the cord from the wall. I laid my head on the ground and breathed out. I crawled out from under my bed and lifted my head up and knocked it on the side.

"Fuck ow again" I spoke and held my hand above my head. I crawled out from under my bed and I stood up and smiled. It was gonna be a good day. I walked to the bathroom and stubbed my toe on the door.

"Shit" I gritted my teeth and I grabbed my foot amd breated in and out really fast.

"Fuck fuck. Ow." I spoke quickly and sat down in the toilet. "Jesus christ" I shook my head. "Yes?" I heard Camerons voice and I looked over and he was in the door way.

"I heard noise from this part the house. I thought shes smuggling boy out or she fell" he told me and I sighed and smiled.

"I ripped the cord to my alarm clock out of the wall after falling on the ground. Hit my head and stubbed my toe" I told him and he smiled.

"That's my girl. I'm making eggs and toast, and theres coffee brewing right now" he told me and walked out. I got up and dressed and tried to fix my face a little bit. Hair and teeth brushed and now shoes.

Converse obviously. I looked around in my closet, but I couldn't find a matching pair.

"Seriously" I spoke and kicked all of them around again. "Bee Breakfsat!" Cameron called and tried to do an american accent. I smiled and ran out.

"What happened to all my shoes? I can't find a matching color" I told him and walked in to the kitchen.

"What shoe size are you?" He asked me. "9 and a half" I shrugged. "Mason probably took them to wear them. He is always loosing his shoes for some reason" Cameron told me and I smiled.

"Well he also took one of my heels" I threw my hands up and Cameron just nodded.

"You've got 5 minutes" he told me and looked this watch. "Damn" I spoke and I ran to my room. Fuck. Red and black. MGG thank you. I put my shoes on and ran out my door and I ate some eggs really fast.

"You need money" he asked and held up a 20. I walked over and took it. "Hell yea drug money" I spoke and skipped to the door as he laughed.

"Dont spend it all in one place" he spoke. "Thanks dad. Have a great day at work" I spoke and pocketed the 20 bucks.

"Wait no that was part of the bit. Give me my 20 back" he laughed and walked over to me. I ran out the door and smiled as he stopped at the door.

"Get off my lawn you damn kid!" He shook his fist and I walked down to the end of the drive way and got into Levi's car.

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