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"Bee I should get you back" Levi rubbed my arm and I sighed. "Noo" I grabbed on to his arm and closed my eyes.

"I'm sleeping. Sorry" I told him and he chuckled. "We can get coffee if we leave right now" he told me and i sat up.

"Coffee?" I asked and he nodded and smiled. "Birthday kiss for me first" I told him and he kissed my lips and then stood up.

"Oh wait one problem" I told him and he turned back and looked at me. "I don't really wanna leave" I told him and laid down on the couch. He bent down and tickled my sides.

I jerked and spazzed as he laughed and walked to the kitchen. "I hate you" I told him and sat up. "Baby I love you too" he spoke and his face went white.

"I uh" he spoke and scratched the back of his head. I stopped for a moment and smiled. "Good" I told him and smiled. He coughed and looked at me.

"Can I borrow a hoodie?" I asked him and stood up. "In the closet" he told me and I smiled and walked in to his room and then in to the closet.

He said it. I love you too. Oh my god I didn't say it back. Do I have to right now? Fuck. I grabbed a hoodie and I put it on.

"Ready?" I asked and walked out. He jumped and then looked at me. "Yep. You still want coffee?" He asked and I smiled and we stood at the door. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his lips.

"Only if mine can have sprinkles on top" I told him and he pecked my lips. "But of course your majesty. Nothing but the best for you" he told me and held open the door and did a bow.

I smiled and walked out. He chuckled and closed the door. We were walking to his car and I grabbed his hand in mine. He squeezed it lightly as we walked across the street to his car.

We got in and he started it. I laced my fingers with his and he had a resting smile as we drove. We got coffee and we were headed back to Cameron's house.

"I can't belive I was a distraction for Ryan." Levi shook his head and I smiled. "You are a very cute distraction" I told him.

"I'm not cute I'm hot" he told me and flexed his muscles. "Of course" I told him and he glanced at me and smiled. We drove back to the house and it was 8:56am.

"You tired?" I asked him as we parked on the curb. "Little bit" he shrugged. "Well get some sleep and I'll call you ok?" I told him and he smiled. He leaned over and kissed me.

"I will eagerly wait by the phone" he whispered and I kissed him. "Bye." I smiled at him and he kissed me again and I turned and opened the door.

"Bye Honey Bee" he smiled and I got out and shut the door. He drove off as I opened the door.

"Cameron?" I heard Ryan's frantic voice. "No just Bee" I told him and I walked in and Ryan, Eric, Jay, Mason, Toby, Matt, and Sam all turned and looked at me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Ryan held his hands up and I walked in and saw even more decorations and it smelled like they were trying to cook somthing.

"Chris told Levi by 9." I spoke and Ryan sighed. "Doesn't that boy know how not to be a gentlemen?" Ryan scrunched his eye brows and shook his head.

"I guess not" I smiled and shrugged and walked closer as Ryan tried to block my view. "Its supposed to be a suprise" Sam spoke and I shrugged.

"Its ok. It's the thought that counts" I told them and I sat down at the bar end of the counter. They all looked at me and I saw burnt toast. About 15 mugs of coffee. Orange juice on the counter. 23 dirty dishes and burnt eggs in a pan on the stove were smiking.

"You might wanna flip those" I pointed to the eggs and they all turned and Jay grabbed it and put it in the sink as Eric turned the flame off.

It sizzled as the cold water was splashed on. Again they looked at me and looked kinda sad.

"You guys wanna go to IHOP?" I asked them. "Yes" they all nodded and sighed. "Guys I got the-" the door swung open and Cameron had eggs in his hand. He looked at me and then all the guys and slowly put the eggs behind his back.

"She knows" Jay spoke. "Suprise?" Cameron shrugged and I nodded. "Were going to Ihop" I told him and he smiled and nodded.

"Thank you" he spoke and he walked over and put the eggs down. We all got into cars and we drove to the nearest IHOP. We all got food and started eating.

"Sorry we messed up the one at home" Ryan looked at me and I shrugged.

"That's ok. I'm glad you tried" I told him and he smiled. "So what are we gonna do for your birthday since we are the last ones you decided to hang out with?" Toby spoke and they all looked at me.

"You guys were sleeping. I was wide awake. Then Ryan told me to leave and he called Levi not me" I said defending myself and smiled.

"Not the point." Eric shook his head and I threw my hands up and laughed. "I saved the best for last. And the longest. It's only 10 in the morning. I might have to take a nap" I warned them and they all chuckled.

We ate our food and we decided that we were gonna get fucked up. Right now at noon. We got done and Ryan made some calls to deliver to the crackhead house.

We were all sitting playing Mario cart and the door bell rang. "Food or drugs?" Ryan asked for the 4th time. "Food. Drugs. Drugs. Food. Drugs hopefully. Food." They all spoke and he opened the door and stepped outside.

"Drugs" Eric smiled. Ryan came back in with a bag and then there were little baggies in it.

"Oh lord" Jay spoke and Ryan walked over opened the bag and dropped some into everyone's lap. We started to smoke and food came and then we ate and then smoked.

We drank we baked and ate more. It was now almost 4 in the afternoon. We were all fucked up and sitting on the couch watching "That 70's Show" I can't complain cause that show slaps.

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